
Hello world.
          This is me!
          Okay I just wanted to notify you all on my current status.
          I am in heaven, I have finished school and I am going to write!
          As you can all see I have three books up in here.
          Not A Wonderland is my main girl; she is the one; she is also going to be updated Weekly on Tuesdays!
          Royal Lies is my baby and is also going to be part of a trio; once she is finished the others will begin. This one will be updated weekly also but on Thursdays.
          And finally drum roll please; my newest addition.......Celia! She is my dreams; literally my fantasy version of HP. Please love her and she will begin in the new year. This one will be updated weekly on Saturdays! 
          Please love and enjoy these as much as I do and I will keep you all notified.
          As always show the support and let everyone know I am alive! xxxx


Hii! I love your works! I am a new writer. Could you please read my story and give me some suggestions so that I can improve it? It would be great if you acknowledge it. You are such a great writer. It would mean a lot if my work is acknowledged by you. It would also be great if you tell me whether you like my story or not?


Hi! I would love to! I mean I'm a newbie myself and can't thank you enough for reading my books! Of course I'll get back to you! I'm honoured to help you out xx