
          	   Chapter 1 of “Apprentices of the Light and Dark” and Chapter 2 of it will be merging for an extra long introductory chapter to the character. Chapters 3 & 4 will also be merged into one chapter so as to follow the first two chapters to introduce the other main character of the book. 
          	   This won’t stay the trend, this is only because if I had split the chapter apart then the characters would have been cut off chapter-wise midway through the mission and this sort of writing won’t take place until they finally meet. 
          	   Chapter 5 of “Prodigal Knight” is being worked on today. Meaning you can expect the chapter to go live today or tomorrow. 
          	   I’ll also try to figure out how to work around my recording issues with KoTOR II so that I can bring the first chapter of “Exile” to Wattpad. These FanFictions will also be available on some other FanFiction websites as well. 
          	   I am also still searching for someone that could potentially make or teach me to make a poster/book cover for Book 3 and my future books that take place during the SW:TOR, the Clone Wars, and the Galactic Civil War eras.
          	Till next time, may the Force be with you… Always.


             Chapter 1 of “Apprentices of the Light and Dark” and Chapter 2 of it will be merging for an extra long introductory chapter to the character. Chapters 3 & 4 will also be merged into one chapter so as to follow the first two chapters to introduce the other main character of the book. 
             This won’t stay the trend, this is only because if I had split the chapter apart then the characters would have been cut off chapter-wise midway through the mission and this sort of writing won’t take place until they finally meet. 
             Chapter 5 of “Prodigal Knight” is being worked on today. Meaning you can expect the chapter to go live today or tomorrow. 
             I’ll also try to figure out how to work around my recording issues with KoTOR II so that I can bring the first chapter of “Exile” to Wattpad. These FanFictions will also be available on some other FanFiction websites as well. 
             I am also still searching for someone that could potentially make or teach me to make a poster/book cover for Book 3 and my future books that take place during the SW:TOR, the Clone Wars, and the Galactic Civil War eras.
          Till next time, may the Force be with you… Always.


   Chapter #1 of “Apprentices of the Light and Dark” has been uploaded! Give it a read! This coming up weekend I will be out of town, fret not though… I have five videos being uploaded onto a Cloud Service so that I’ll be able to access my source material while I’m away for the weekend. Meaning I’ll be working on updating Chapter #5 for “Prodigal Knight” and Chapters #2-#6 for “Apprentices of the Light and Dark”. 
             I am having some issues with my OBS Studio and KoTOR II, so I wouldn’t expect an update for “Exile” until after the weekend is over and I’m back home and am able to find a work around…
             All of my source material I plan to edit into a series of game movie chapters that will be uploaded onto my YouTube Channel! However, these “Game Movie Chapters” will only be uploaded after the associated book chapters have all been uploaded. Meaning you’ll get to read it awhile before you see it on the Channel! Giving you guys something to look forward to! 
             Concerning the video editing I’ll be doing, I’m open to ideas on what public domain music and soundtracks I can use to to slip into the video’s backgrounds in order to avoid a copyright strike. 
             One last thing… I am needing some help on creating a Star Wars styled poster for Book #3 onward similar to that of the two posters that I’m using as covers for Books #1 and #2. If anyone can offer some advice or a tutorial on how to make one (preferably for free), I’ll happily arrange a time we can talk! 
             Till next time, may the Force be with you… Always.


   Hello all, it’s been awhile. Had a lot going on in life. Had a big breakup, got into a serious relationship, had a ton of stuff happen with college. Just a lot the past couple years. 
             As some of you know I’m not a super consistent uploader but I’m going to try to be better about it starting now. 
             With the SWTOR 7.0 Update, it’s given me a lot of wiggle room to play around with FanFiction ideas and I’ve already begun recording class stories and content to use for my SWTOR FanFictions.
             Here is what you guys can expect to be coming in the near future with Chapter updates regularly:
          Book 1 - Prodigal Knight (KoTOR 1)
          Book 2 - Exile (KoTOR 2)
          Book 3 - Apprentices of the Light and Dark (SWTOR Jedi Consular & Sith Inquisitor)
          Book 4 - Heroes and Villains Arise (Revan + Rival + All Other Class Starter Stories)
          Book 5 - The Galactic War (Revan + All Class Stories through Illum)
             More books will be planned to arrive after I have enough people that want to assist in creating a story with recurring characters in Operations, Guild content, etc. 
             Want to be a part of the journey? Reach out to me. I’ll be happy to include you and feature you as a recurring character! 
          Till then, may the Force be with you.