
Not dead just taking a little break I'll probably post Monday in the meantime discuss what you guys want to see happen in the future of WCU


@YouTubeGamer17 He was pretty much unknown when I wrote that.


@MattHatterChat don't forget Zackary Arthur


@Epsilonstark I'm certainly curious of the camp that seems like is a thing. I wonder how that's going to work. 
          	  I'm certainly curious about the upcoming battle. What happened at the wedding  to Carson will certainly require some form of retribution. It also seems like the Millers are going to need to find a new place. Perhaps with Caleb?
          	  It seems like Walker with Gavin and Cruz with Maxwell are happening now. Stefan needs to find someone. And there's so many guys not even introduced yet in your stories so I'm sure he could find someone. 
          	  Some cool guys to be seen introduced would be Jensen Gering, Marcus & Martinus, Ronan Parke, and Brandon Blake. I love seeing your universe expand.