
I did it. I switched my works to "complete". It is still a WIP, as I am editing my final copy. I'm afraid as I look back, this was not great, but it was a wonderful set of bones to work with. Thanks to all of those who gave it time, and thanks to anyone who wants to give it a try yet. I am calling it a success either way. I have struggled with ADD all of my life. A finished project to me is like a mouse finishing a corn maze. I couldn't think of any better analogies... I am certain there are way better ones, but you get my drift. 
          	I wish everyone a bright outlook to a new year. Take care!


I did it. I switched my works to "complete". It is still a WIP, as I am editing my final copy. I'm afraid as I look back, this was not great, but it was a wonderful set of bones to work with. Thanks to all of those who gave it time, and thanks to anyone who wants to give it a try yet. I am calling it a success either way. I have struggled with ADD all of my life. A finished project to me is like a mouse finishing a corn maze. I couldn't think of any better analogies... I am certain there are way better ones, but you get my drift. 
          I wish everyone a bright outlook to a new year. Take care!


Kiran! Thank you!! I know you know it IS big. I finished it and started considering options for my next move.  I wanted to try to give the publishing path a go, and it was suggested to take it down from Wattpad when I did. So, for now, as I wait on some of my querying, I have taken a Wattpad break. Thanks for noticing though!! That actually means a lot! I wasn't having much luck here. It takes a lot of networking, which I was falling behind in. I will surely check in with your writing! I hope the writing tides are good for you:)!!


@ErinYungWriter AHHHH GOOD JOB! IM SO PROUD!!!! and also very late i know and i’m so sorry about that         :( but i can’t find your book anymore *cries* is that just a me thing or did you take it down?


          I have written this book...I was hoping you would give it try...
          Just an overview...incase you interested....
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          also, here is the link



Hi! If u have the time pls give my book Life of an Introvert a try, I will really appreciate it! I will surely read your book too! Thanks! I hope we can be friends!


@ErinYungWriter thanks!!! Sure I would love to read your book❤❤❤❤


@vanshikasoin999  hi! I would be very happy to take a look. I have been a little absent lately to try to meet some writing goals, but I will hopefully be back to be reading on Wednesday this week! I'd love to take a look then, and I also appreciate your try on mine. Thanks for reaching out!


Hi thank you for following and checking out my book! I’ll be sure to return the favor 


@ErinYungWriter I’m glad to hear it! I’ve been enjoying your story too. Don’t worry about taking your time! I’m a slow reader too. Writing should definitely be a priority for you! Editing does take up a good chunk of time, so I understand ☺️ I appreciate the time you’ve taken already to read my story! 


@ajwoodward, thank YOU! I have been enjoying your book a lot! Sorry I have been slow to it. I am making some rounds of editing mine, and editing I am finding takes a lot out of me!! I'll keep reading though, for you have a great story going!


If I had stayed on schedule, this would have been my last posting which would have completed my story... All I can say is I am regretful I had not met this goal, but it just was not to be. All things in their own time, I guess! I hope you will read it!! Emme and Mai, who have been separated for almost the who book FINALLY get to be together again.


Hey there, I want to apologize for being inactive over the last couple days! I enjoyed reading your comments and although I'm absolutely swamped with school right now I promise I'll catch up with your story soon!


@kirans_crazy  I totally get it. It's the end of a quarter and crazy. Don't ever worry about me.  I have been in and out here lately, but know I WILL finish your book when time/energy allows!


hello! Thanks for the follow and I hope you enjoy my book :) I read your bio and book description and am curious so I'll be adding your story to my library as well! It's always nice to find other YA writers looking for communities and feedback.


@kirans_crazy , thanks for the follow back and message! It has been great finding camaraderie!