          	My Original Story
          	“A Dyemond in the Rough” officially has its first chapter out now!
          	Please check it out! 
          	Warning! It has heavy themes so be warned! Things will get graphic!
          	"Ethan! Please wake up!"
          	Who was calling me..?
          	Who's there..?
          	A light was calling me to me faintly... I could hear it. They sounded desperate for me. Where am I?
          	Ethan Dyemond
          	Wakes up in the hospital bed, his left eye bandaged, and bandages all over his body. With no recollection of who he is, Ethan is dropped into a life he has no idea he created. 
          	Everyone at school hates him.
          	His father hates him.
          	There's scars on his wrist.
          	And he has no eye.
          	Ethan has no idea what he did wrong, but he's made it his new goal to learn about his past, bit by bit and find out the truth.

          My Original Story
          “A Dyemond in the Rough” officially has its first chapter out now!
          Please check it out! 
          Warning! It has heavy themes so be warned! Things will get graphic!
          "Ethan! Please wake up!"
          Who was calling me..?
          Who's there..?
          A light was calling me to me faintly... I could hear it. They sounded desperate for me. Where am I?
          Ethan Dyemond
          Wakes up in the hospital bed, his left eye bandaged, and bandages all over his body. With no recollection of who he is, Ethan is dropped into a life he has no idea he created. 
          Everyone at school hates him.
          His father hates him.
          There's scars on his wrist.
          And he has no eye.
          Ethan has no idea what he did wrong, but he's made it his new goal to learn about his past, bit by bit and find out the truth.


Christ it’s been too long Wattpad! I’m back :). Anyway, I decided to try and write an Among Us based story since it’s quite the trend right now. I’ve really gotten into Attack On Titan recently and I enjoy a good mystery thriller story... so... I thought I’d give this a try. I hope you like this idea!


Hi everyone! I’m making a new book called
          “My Playlist”
          It features all my favorite songs turned into stories of mine.
          The first playlist is Breakup Edition.
          Don’t be afraid to share me songs of yours! I’d loved to hear and see if I can interpret them!


God, I am on severe writers block. Any tips on how to get out?


(It’s Artzy, just changed the iconic ticcimask pfp because,,, purple!)
            Hm, I’d say either listen to your favourite music as said above or just write out your feelings, or what’s happened to you that day. 
            Writing what’s happened can be a memory refresher, and writing exercise! I do it a lot!
            Not to mention writing a bit of poetry, and then fleshing it out!


* work... I can't spell


            Ahhhhh! I do that 24/7 (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) it nu week
            But thank you for the option!!!
            It's really sweet! Don't worry, you didn't sound rude ^^