
          One name.
          Jack Netland
          Medium-length blonde hair,blue eyes,muscular,funny,smart,caring,faithful.Everything most girls wanted in a guy.Jack does a couple of sports that he is pretty good at, like basketball,track,and soccer.But their is one certain sport that he is the best at.That sport would be Football.Yes,you heard me right Football.He,in my opinion,was the best player on the team.His jersey number was 56 and he was the Quarter-Back.Pretty athletic if you asked me,am I right?
          We talked a lot and got closer each day.Everything was going well until the last day of my 8th grade school year.That day I left with my heart-broken and torn into pieces.
          Jack left.
          He moved back to North Dakota.After he left we didn't keep in contact like I hoped we would.So I forgot about him.
          Three years later he came back.Same hair,taller,more muscular,more mature inside and out.He barely changed.
          When he came back he tried out for our high school football team.He got on the team and had the same position,The Quarter-Back and the same jersey number like he had in 8th grade.
          He was and still is the best football player I know.He isn't just the Quarter-Back of the Rosswell High School Football Team.He is player 56.
          MY Player 56.


Hannah is a nerdy girl and yeah she knows it. But the only thing different about her is that her friends still like to hang out with her. Wouldn't you love to be her? Now Hannah want to make people change their minds about nerds, that nerds can be beautiful too not just popular girls.
          Miley has been getting bullied ever since she got into high school. They post mean messages on her Facebook, telling her she's a loser and that's she's ugly. Miley tried to kill herself everyday to get away from her life. What would you do if you was in this situation?
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          Belle and Jake has loved each other for ever. Now they are going to get married and are going to be together forever.
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Miley has been getting bullied ever since she got into high school. They post mean messages on her Facebook, telling her she's a loser and that's she's ugly. Miley tried to kill herself everyday to get away from her life. What would you do if you was in this situation?
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