
Hello Wishes!
          	I'm sorry about my inactivity over the last little while, but I have been working around the clock as best I can to schedule updates for the new year, starting on January 1st. I've unfortunately had to deal with final season and work as well, so it's been going slower than I like, but I'm slowly starting to finish the updates and scheduling them to release.
          	To everyone who has been reading my male! Wednesday x fem! reader story, I know you are all waiting for an update, and I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever, but it's been a bit of a struggle to write anything that I actually feel is written well enough to post. Rest assured, I will finish it! I am halfway finished both chapters 7 and 8 and I'm hopeful for an update in the very near future now that I have some time to breathe. After the first season is done, however, I will be taking a short break until season 2 comes out. I originally planned for Y/N to have a bit of her own adventure, but with season 2 coming out I'm not sure how long the time jump will be, if there will even be one, and I need a long time gap for Y/N's adventure.
          	In terms of other updates, I have finished the first updates for The Guardian of Magic (approx. 12000 words) and the Punishment of Gemini (approx. 9000 words) which will be posted on January 1st and 2nd respectively. Hogwarts Legacy has reignited my love for the world of Harry Potter and I have lots of inspiration for it right now.
          	Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my other stories, but I am one person and I only just finished finals, so time to write has been minimal as of late.  
          	Thank you to everyone who has continued reading my stories and voting and commenting! Love you all so much!
          	<3 SteamHeart


Hello Wishes!
          I'm sorry about my inactivity over the last little while, but I have been working around the clock as best I can to schedule updates for the new year, starting on January 1st. I've unfortunately had to deal with final season and work as well, so it's been going slower than I like, but I'm slowly starting to finish the updates and scheduling them to release.
          To everyone who has been reading my male! Wednesday x fem! reader story, I know you are all waiting for an update, and I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever, but it's been a bit of a struggle to write anything that I actually feel is written well enough to post. Rest assured, I will finish it! I am halfway finished both chapters 7 and 8 and I'm hopeful for an update in the very near future now that I have some time to breathe. After the first season is done, however, I will be taking a short break until season 2 comes out. I originally planned for Y/N to have a bit of her own adventure, but with season 2 coming out I'm not sure how long the time jump will be, if there will even be one, and I need a long time gap for Y/N's adventure.
          In terms of other updates, I have finished the first updates for The Guardian of Magic (approx. 12000 words) and the Punishment of Gemini (approx. 9000 words) which will be posted on January 1st and 2nd respectively. Hogwarts Legacy has reignited my love for the world of Harry Potter and I have lots of inspiration for it right now.
          Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about my other stories, but I am one person and I only just finished finals, so time to write has been minimal as of late.  
          Thank you to everyone who has continued reading my stories and voting and commenting! Love you all so much!
          <3 SteamHeart


Hello Wishes!
          So, to those of you who are planning on reading The Guardian of Magic when I start posting updates, I have two questions. 
          1. Should I include Matteo Riddle and Lorenzo Berkshire? I’ve gotten a couple of requests, and originally I wasn’t planning on including them, but I haven’t been able to decide one way or the other. Opinions?
          2. I just got Hogwarts Legacy, so I’ll be playing the game through, and I was wondering if I should include it or not. I know basically nothing about it, so any opinions would be very helpful.
          Thank you!
          <3 SteamHeart


@persephone1725 agreed and garreth weasley 


@Expecto_fandom89 when can you write feathers again I miss reading new chapters yay I love Hogwarts legacy too


Hello wishes!
          To those of you who have been reading my Twisted Wonderland Fanfics, I have finally decided on a plot line for Schoenheit's Secret [Epel x fem! reader] and I'm hoping that I'll be able to update more in the coming weeks and schedule updates. Hopefully (I don't wanna jinx myself here) I'll finish the story sometime soon!
           It'll be a little different from the other two I've finished so far, but I hope you'll stick around for the ride. I'm sorry I've been away from my TWST stories for so long, but I'm starting to work on them again. I've got some new ideas so some of the stories will be getting reworked, but I hope they'll be better than they were before. My writing's changed a fair bit since I first started writing them.
          Love you lots wishes!
          <3 SteamHeart


@Expecto_fandom89 EXCITED FOR MORE UPDATES! <3


Hello wishes!
          My next few updates for the Halloween special are going to be a little late. I tried to write them ahead of time so I didn't have to worry about posting late, but there are a few that I wasn't able to do ahead of time. Scar's updates will still be posted sometime soon, but I won't be able to finish them before the day, so I'll post them once they're finished.
          Thank you so much to everyone who has been enjoying my work.
          Happy October!
          <3 SteamHeart


@Expecto_fandom89 don't forget about feathers story so excited for next chapter ok 


Hello wishes!
          Sorry for not updating a lot of my stories recently, I've been busy with school and getting everything ready for October. There will be a Halloween special starting on October 1st (if you haven't already seen it) and I'll be posting a new update every day in October until the 31st! It's called The Guardian of Halloween if you want to check it out for more details. I'll be spending the month of October getting more updates ready for the coming months so hopefully after October there will be more frequent updates. 
          Thank you for all the support you've shown and I'm so happy you are enjoying my work!
          <3 SteamHeart


Hi, I really glad that you’re updating your stories. I hope you update your one piece story soon. I miss that story.


Perfect! Also, again, if you need any help/ideas for any of your stories, you know where to contact me


@GrapeJuice1011 Working on  a few updates for it! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten .


Hello wishes!
          I've been thinking about making an update schedule for the next few months as I am going to be busy and don't want to have to stress about updates. Thankfully I can stage updates now :) But for the foreseeable future, updates are going to be as follows:
          Sunday - The Guardian Series Updates [Mortality, Marvel, Magic]
          Monday - Twisted Wonderland
          Tuesday - No updates (for now)
          Wednesday - Wednesday [His Dangerous Obsession/Fairest Blood]
          Thursday - No updates (for now)
          Friday - No updates (for now)
          Saturday - The Guardian Series Updates [Disney, Pirates, Neverland]
          As I'm able to stage more updates I'll start adding more updates but I don't want to burn myself out during the first little bit of trying this new schedule out. Please be patient with me while I schedule more updates, and don't worry I will get to my other stories even if they aren't on this list, but I'm trying to figure out a way for me to post frequent updates and still manage life.
          Thank you <3


@Expecto_fandom89 for the twisted wonderland one are you going to update the remake of the lost princess of Castillo? Just asking 