
          	I want to rewrite everything, these stories SUCK. Sorry for those who read that <3 I'm better now 


this message may be offensive
I’ve been working on these chapters for months- Hh y’all I promise I’ll have them out soon- life has been throwing a bunch of shit at me and honestly it’s just been tough because I put a lot of events from my life into these books and idk if I wanna put my more recent ones in and that makes writing a little bit harder 


This guy I might be dating fell asleep on our discord call and idk what to do man- he does this a lot but damn homie idk what to do when you sleep- ANYWAYS, I managed to get a hot guy and idk how, literally I thought I didn't like men before I met him and now I'm just like... really bad at verbal living but yes he likes me idk why but I guess ill take it :D


Also, for the touch-starved fic, send in names and stuff if you wanna have the person you wanna hug in the fic because I'll literally write anyone! Leave a little description too so I can perfectly write them :) Also! I'm making a Reddie oneshots fic based off of songs so send some in, I'll give them a listen and see what I can do for that!!


@ExtremelyBasic Yes people do want to hug you 


@ForgFaerie aww I love you too (I did forget this is your username and was like people wanna hug *me*?)


@ForgFaerie And for the description, tall but not super tall, split dye hair, 10/10 jokes, and a fantastic sense of style


hey, y'all, I'm doing mostly edits on my Reddie fic because that is not detailed enough for my liking :) I'm also working on a new fic for those of you who are touch starved and want hugs so swaggy!! I'm mentally so messed up rn, so it's a perfect time for me to write, also it's 3:15 AM. I found a comfort twitch streamer so I'll be okay for now if you decide to worry about me :D I love you all and I hope you enjoy everything I'll be doing these days!!