
Sorry if I am slow about writing- I have been working. However, I’ve taken a break these last few days due to widsom teeth removal surgery. I will get to your requests, I promise, but I’m motivated by comfortability and motivation


Hii!, i’m sorry for messaging you out of the blue, I’m not sure if you remember me but we used to roleplay together!. I looked back on our old chats and I really missed you a lot, I didn’t realize how long ago it was. I hope we can talk again soon and catch up on stuff!


Now isn’t this account just a grin reminder of my angst. Came back after my groomer messaged me out of the blue. Emperor of Anarchy for those who care, I have them in my art book. Anyways, I might try and be more active to write again. It’s been a long time away, but I’m back and rebranding.


Y’know. I’ve come to realize I’ve built crazy walls when it comes to friendships. I never tell my friends too much, so they can’t use it against me, and gradually as more people leave, it hurts less and less. I miss the meaningful connections I used to have when I was younger, but at the same time, I don’t wanna be that vulnerable to people who I’m sure will stab me in the back, or brush me off like I meant nothing.


@Loner_Eclipse you just....gave me some advice actually- I think I needed to hear that. Bc over time my friends start getting rude at me and start talking about my old past mistakes. I try telling them to not bring it up but they do it anyway. Then my anger issues go off and we argue a bit. Then they leave and make me feel like it was my fault, but soon as I overthink it a little, I realize..."no, it's not my fault. They're the ones who brought it up" so yea- I might actually have to start being more serious with the types of relationships I have with people. Thank you :)


Do y’all ever just… Feel depressed out of the blue? Because like I was just talking with my friends, and I after talking about boobs, I kinda just felt. I don’t know why. So I went onto TIKTOK TO WATCH SOME FUNNY VIDEOS TO GET ME BACK IN THE RIGHT SPIRITS, BUT NOW I JUST FEEL MORE EMPTY. IS THIS NORMAL?


@Loner_Eclipse this is perfectly normal. For odd reasons I just get sad. Mostly because I'm thinking of all the past trauma I had in my life. But it's fine, everyone gets sad like that sometimes.


Y’all, I feel like death rn. My ears just feel a little plugged, my back hurts, my nose is a bit stuffy, Emmy throat hurts, and to top of this disaster Sundae, I have a canker sore on my lip. I’m probably sick, but lord knows that ain’t stopping me from bein takin to the movies. It’s rare that I ever do. Hope I don’t don’t curl up in theater seat and pass out again, like the last time I went to the movies sick. I missed like- half of End Game, sleeping.


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I hate my school. I love the teachers, but the kids are mean. Some of them just love to pick on me, while others will just snatch up my shit, on or off my person.


@Loner_Eclipse  bro fr. My school is also super crappy like, I'm just so tired going to school because of the kids but I lovem y teachers too. School sucks so much ong. But sorry to hear that tho