
Hi Guys!
          	Today was my birthday, so I decided there is no better day to restart Our Little Princess. A little teaser and intro are now available and all old chapters are down, so expect more new writing from now on!


yo long time no talk, what u been up to? Also r u alive? U havent been very active lmao


Sorry, that was another one of my accounts that I was signed into.


@_JustGoForIt_  Uh... So very sorry about that... Okay, my life has been so darn busy lately, I'm lucky to be able to sleep. As much as I wish I could write all the time, I haven't had the time to lately. March should open up some more time, but that's the exact same thing I said last year. Has it actually been a year? I'm really late on acting on my words... 
            In this new year, I'm going to try to update maybe once a month starting after March and be more active, but I've said this before and something always seems to come up. Nevertheless, I'll try my best!!


Hey Guys!
          So I realize I've been inactive for 2 months or so, but I'm having school from home for the next 2 weeks because there have been some major outbreaks of the coronavirus in the area I live in. Now I've got a lot more free time to write!
          You guys remember how I said I would write a different story as a break. Weeeellll...
          I did write the first chapter of that story, but the whole time I kept thinking of "Our Little Princess". 
          All you writers out there know your stories are like your kids. (I don't have kids, so this analogy makes very little sense to me but *shrug*) So anyway... I can't abandon my first story that easily. So I'm going to restart "Our Little Princess" and see what happens from there. 
          Why am I such a sap?!
          When I reread everything, I realized none of my characters have any personality. They're all robotic zombies who every once in a while realize they have emotions!
          Yesterday, I sat down the entire day and stared at my computer screen thinking of what to write. The beginning of the story is always the worst because the beginning is what makes or breaks the story and I hate writing them because of how frustrating they are. For those of you who don't know me personally, I am a huge perfectionist to the point where if it's not 4 am and I've been working for like 10 hours on it in a row, I will make sure it is 100% perfect (That may or may not have happened once or twice... or like 10 times). 
          Because of my excitement the first time I wrote it, I think I robbed you guys of an amazing start. At the end of the day, I was happy with my rewrite of the beginning so that'll come out sometime this week.
          I'd like to thank all of you guys for being so patient with me and my constant writer's block. (I legit forgot the term right there!)
          I appreciate all the support from everyone on Wattpad these last two months and know you guys will hear a lot more from me from now on.
          Btw: Thank you all for reading my incredibly long rant here, haha!


@_JustGoForIt_  . Honestly I walked in on the same thing like two days ago. XD


@FTFsquared Wowzers. First off, I come back from school to see my dad carrying huge bags of food, then I walk into the living room to see two stacks of boxes of toilet roll, then I do my stuff, then I go on wattpad for like the first time in forever and boom I read all of this.
            Its corona time


            Aww, thanks!
            And also: Yes very much so!


          I've been having such a major writer's block! I was rereading the story and I thought 'This is such awful writing!'. So I'm probably going to rewrite the entire book before I get too deep into it. Sorry to all you loyal fans, but the story will be coming back and I'm not taking it down so you can still read the chapters that are there. 
          In the meantime, I've been thinking of a new concept for a story and will try to get chapters of that story out. I'm not completely disappearing and will be a lot more productive with this new story. I don't know exactly which ship I'm going to use for this, but you guys will definitely be the first to find out!
          So very sorry again!


Aww thank you guys! The new book will be up... sometime soon. I've got some ideas but they need work so I'll try to get it out soon!


@FTFsquared What dooo you meeeaaaannn Awful writing? This is one of the best books I've read! But, you can do as you wish....


Hey guys!
          So I wasn't able to finish the update today because I forgot about the Super Bowl. For those of you who are not from the U.S.A, the Super Bowl is a large televised football game which pretty much everyone watches. We had guests over for it so I couldn't continue working.
          The update will 100% be out tomorrow!
          ~ see y'all soon minna


          Sorry forgot to mention this:
          My friend @AnnabethChasePJO is new to Wattpad and has just started writing their first book "The True Ice Princess". Their a really great writer and I've been helping to edit their chapters, another thing that kept me away from publishing. So go check out their book and let us know what you thought. Don't be afraid to tell them what you think cuz their really open to suggestions. Have fun and I apologize again!


Hey Guys!
          So you know how I said I would publish yesterday? Well I didn't. I feel really bad. Quite literally because I got the stomach bug! Fun right? So I can barely eat food without throwing up and barely have the energy to write this so will not be publishing for some time. Good news is the chapter was about 3/4 of the way finished where I left off so won't take long to publish. I also decided to make my life easier and to stop giving you guys any more false hope, I'm going to publish all chapters on Sundays unless stated otherwise. It might be more than one chapter but they will all come out on Sundays and if I can't do Sunday's it will definitely come another day in the week. Thanks for all your understanding and I know I've been ranting a lot but you'll see I tend to do that a lot.


@FTFsquared Aye Aye Captain! I'm looking forward to it!


Hello Everyone! I am so sorry I haven't updated Our Little Princess. I had to fly out of the country for a family emergency and this is actually the first time I've got the internet. I'm going to be without internet for the next two weeks so no new chapters will come out. When I come back, I will be posting the rest of the Jerza special as well as a Christmas and New Years special with some shipping in it! I hope you all understand that my family comes first and I feel really guilty that I can't update. 
          See you soon Minna~


@FTFsquared  Yup I understand! I can't wait to read the next chapter! ... I use to many Exclamation Marks! heh :)


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! Anyone eat anything special? I for one ate so much "you'll have to roll me home" as Natsu would say. What are you guys thankful for? I'm thankful for all the usual stuff but also for finding Wattpad. I only found out about Wattpad this August and it has become an amazing experience. Thanks for all your support of my first story and just in general. A special shout out to _JustGoForIt_ because without your comments I would've probably given up so much sooner and all your encouraging words meant the world to me. Thank you to everyone who reads my terrible writing and know I'm thankful for each and every one of you.


@FTFsquared  Oh and Happy ThanksGiving to you to


@FTFsquared  Terrible writing? Your like one of the best writers I know What do you meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan???