
@iwaspromisedajetpack Now I do! :)


I don't feel bad about not uploading when my story is on hold, so yeah. My computer is officially broken so the only way I'll be able to upload until I get a new one is on my phone. I don't really enjoy typing on my phone, but I might do it. Also, it's March. I'm busy pretty much every day, I'm an Irish dancer. So, look for some new updates maybe a week or two after St. Patricks, or maybe the beginning of April. 


So, I went to finish up the next chapter Thursday, and I decided, nah, I'll wait another day. Next day, my computer is no longer working. I've tried multiple times, and it's stuck on the "Welcome" screen, so my mom is letting me use her laptop... for now. So the update will be a little late, or maybe a lot late, depending. Thanks everyone for understanding! 


          That's so friggin' awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Wish the kids at my school did that. When my teacher played the son let iT be (album recording) they all said Paul sounded like an old man. :(
          And another guy was pretending to play George's guitar solo but he was making fun of it. :(


@Beatlemaniac18 Oh that sounds so awesome! Ah that's so cool. I love singing songs and getting weird stares, it's awesome! And I think all art teachers love The Beatles, at least every one I've ever known! Haha. A couple days ago, at dance class, the sun was shinning in the window and I shouted HERE COMES THE SUN and everyone in the class went do-do-do-do! And it was the coolest thing ever. 


          Yay! Awesome news!!! Today in science we melted/bended glass and I made te letters P, A, U,  L to spell PAUL! My science teacher thinks I'm obsessed. 
          And inwas singing songs from the yellow sub cd (yellow sub, all together now) and we got weird started from the kids. 
          But my art teacher is awesome and loves the Beatles


Planing on updating.... some time next week? I attempted writing in my days off school but that didn't go so well, so I have part of the next chapter. If all goes well you can expect an update as early as Monday, or as late as next Friday.