
I find the statistics on each own story... fascinating. Especially the "Demographics", where the world map simply shows which country has the highest percentage. Like, who is reading my in Peru? And who is in Russia? And why is 29% of my reader coming from Indonesia and USA?
          	Escpecially the "Interactions", where we I can see how the 'Vote' just jump up on one day and crash into the floor on the following day.


This should not be seen as "Bragging" but I believe some writers tend to forget, where their readers are coming from. It actually helps, when to release new chapters with the time schedule feature.


I find the statistics on each own story... fascinating. Especially the "Demographics", where the world map simply shows which country has the highest percentage. Like, who is reading my in Peru? And who is in Russia? And why is 29% of my reader coming from Indonesia and USA?
          Escpecially the "Interactions", where we I can see how the 'Vote' just jump up on one day and crash into the floor on the following day.


This should not be seen as "Bragging" but I believe some writers tend to forget, where their readers are coming from. It actually helps, when to release new chapters with the time schedule feature.


Decided to release a part of the actual chapter. I had quickly realised that the soon to be gunfight might be around 3-4 thousands alone (including dialouge) and the current chapter was already over 3K. Have fun with the chapter.


Okay, turns out writing an excessive amounts of words on how a battle with new, old and futuristic tech on a dockyard, and an absurd of amount of  dialouge, is stretching the chapter very much. Probably finish it next day, afternoon, so no Missile Cruisers gunfight for today. Also have to remember how concussion works. Same as how the old guns functionality and range vs. modern armor.
          Also, because will critisise the weaponry in the chapter;
          The development of the OTL STG-44 started around early 1938! Mr. Moustache thought Carabines are more effective LONG-TERM and didn't believe the reports spies (loyal to the Reich) sent, everytime they included the weapon reports about half-automatic weapons (burst included). This is the reason why it was also called MP-43 (Machine pistol Production year 1943) due the designers, with a meagre budget, had to basically lie. AND only during the presentation in 1943, because Mr Moustache delayed it heavily, actually the effectiveness of it and only than allowed production of said Battle Rifle.
          I am giving you guys the link in case you don't believe me. I oversimplified it just so you know it.


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
          I am slightly confused and terrified with what I have read on other notification-feeds. Apparently Wattpad had changed their guidelines, banning Bullying (understandable), Death and Violence.
          There are two problems with this:
          One: I have no idea where those guidelines are and thus can't check, if this simply somebody scaring people or authors are acutally having their stories deleted without consent (I think that breaches moe than one law and I live in Germany so that is going to backfire for them if I wanted to).
          Second: Due this unknown factor, I decided, until I can confirm such accusation (innocent until proven guilty) is in fact real and not hearsay, I will postpone indefinetely all future uploads. I will still write the chapters but won't release them.
          I know this is sad, but I don't want to lose my account on something people are being punished for for something they have written 5 years ago. I don't even know if anime related characters dying in a war even can be punished to such bogus guidelines, who essentially stop any and all progress of Wattpad )and probably regret the Ambassadors to even pick such jobs).
          If you any information about the guidelines, or even a link, or a description on where to find them, I would greatly apprecriate it.
          With best regards,


@FabMichGloe Yes. As it was already said (if I may be a bit rude) BACK-UP YOUR CHAPTERS. I personally use Word to write/save chapters. The embarrassing thing about this is that I only started using Word after having written a few chapters in Wattpad's own word processor. The moment I switched to Word for writing I could never go back, especially since Word is much much better at helping with correct grammar.
            I may be unqualified for giving advice since I am a complete beginner at writing, but still.


Alright, thanks for the advice. I might actually afterwards publish a chapter of the MS München. Though the chapter will, while short, depict a gruesome scene.


@FabMichGloe Sadly I have no intel about it, the best advice I can give you is to have a save of your chapters on your computer through Word or Office.
            That’s how I guarantee myself not to have any of my story completely disappear, because let be honest my stories are everything but according to their new guidelines.


Thanks for the vote, buddy!
          But uhh... I just wanted to let you know that the Alternative Lane fic you've been voting for recently is currently under review, meaning I am rewriting it at the moment, so you don't mind rereading things you might like to take at the newer version I would public in a couple of weeks or so. 
          Again, thank you for your support!


Soo... it seems like there is a massive wave of... throwaway accounts seeminlgy coming in and spamming every single comment section that exists, especially in the "Summoning Countries/ NHS" books. If you see any comments that begin with "Cred-" and possibly "Brad"; report them immediately. As they write... pro-Nazi and pro-Genocide like words in their comments it is rather easy to find the Report tab under which you want to send it. The Tickets may be closed seemingly as soon you write send this Report, but it may consider Wattpad to counteract against this Bot-Wave. Just... don't interact with them with words and other commentary, simply Report them and mute/block them.
          I am simply a  random person writing this, so you may forward it to others, i.e. Followers and other people reading your book or where you have connections too.


Hello. Good afternoon.
          I am is the author of B&GUP: The Iron Revenge, I would like to express my gratitude for adding my story to your reading list. Don't forget to read, give votes or comments, and share my story with your friends.
          Thank you and Regards.


Holy crapnuggets thanks for the votes man please feel free to give any feedback you have


@FabMichGloe i appreciate that more than you know, your words actually made me cry thank you : )


@ BlackGlaceon  your description of the introduced characters are very informative. Many are keep it very very plain or not at all.
            And I vote only if the story have potential/have a good Story to read while offline.