
Hello once again! I'm getting rather abhorrent at keeping you all updated, haven't I? I'm so sorry about that, life has been very busy, and I've had a medical issue pop up recently, which did put me out of action for a while. But, I'm back, not only with an update to Sodor Detonation, but some questions of my own.
          	First of all, I've been somewhat keeping up with AU shenanigans, and recently, Shanks and his teams Sodor Fallout remaster has become something of an obsession of mine, specifically the sprites. I think the fact he's using his own HC sprites on this project is so cool, and thus, I've began thinking about my own. Would you all like to see Sodor Detonation take on (At least in playlists) and "Original Look"? With me using my own HC sprites instead of the typical TVS renditions?
          	I've also noticed The Cold Truths of War, which is one of the coolest looking things I've seen in a while! And I know many creators have been doing this, so, I myaswell ask. Do you think Sodor Detonation would be better in 3rd person? Please, let me know! 
          	That should be it! Thank you all for being patient, and I hope to finally see you soon!
          	~ The Fainting Tank Engine?


          	  1. Sure, I don’t see why not for Headcanon Sprites
          	  2. Go for it!


@FaintingTankEngine Also if it is in your own headcanon will there be OC's.


Hello once again! I'm getting rather abhorrent at keeping you all updated, haven't I? I'm so sorry about that, life has been very busy, and I've had a medical issue pop up recently, which did put me out of action for a while. But, I'm back, not only with an update to Sodor Detonation, but some questions of my own.
          First of all, I've been somewhat keeping up with AU shenanigans, and recently, Shanks and his teams Sodor Fallout remaster has become something of an obsession of mine, specifically the sprites. I think the fact he's using his own HC sprites on this project is so cool, and thus, I've began thinking about my own. Would you all like to see Sodor Detonation take on (At least in playlists) and "Original Look"? With me using my own HC sprites instead of the typical TVS renditions?
          I've also noticed The Cold Truths of War, which is one of the coolest looking things I've seen in a while! And I know many creators have been doing this, so, I myaswell ask. Do you think Sodor Detonation would be better in 3rd person? Please, let me know! 
          That should be it! Thank you all for being patient, and I hope to finally see you soon!
          ~ The Fainting Tank Engine?


            1. Sure, I don’t see why not for Headcanon Sprites
            2. Go for it!


@FaintingTankEngine Also if it is in your own headcanon will there be OC's.


Hello everyone! Once again, sorry for the lack of any updates or new chapters. But I figured I'd give a general update, just to let you know how things are!
          First of all! The rewrite has been going well, admittedly, rather slowly. But since I last posted, many things have changed! Mainly, our protagonist is changing! Don't get me wrong, I do love Oliver, but Tar told me that writing for your favourite character is a good starting point! And, between you and me, I haven't seen anyone make Edward a main character since Sodor Fallout. 
          Also, at some point, I'm going to be looking for someone who might be able to film something for me on BTWF! My computer is a piece of junk, and running anything will most likely cause an explosion, and then SD would never happen! Once again, if you have any theories or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the replies! 
          Oh, and one last thing! Do you think this username is good enough? I've been thinking about changing it! But that's more up to you! 
          ~ The Fainting Tank Engine


@FaintingTankEngine I was gonna say something about Edward AUs, but who’s made Edward the sole lead of an AU since Fallout (not counting Fallout Remasters). Most of the Edward AUs I’ve seen had Edward share the spotlight with another character (like Percy)


@SuePodgorski More for my own ease of mind, if anything! I just felt the story wasn't as good as it could've been. I've had so many new ideas, most of which I want to explore! 
            No spoilers, but I will say, I want it to be a bit more of a slow burn horror.


@FaintingTankEngine It is good enough. Also there have been more Edward au's since Sodor Fallout like Sodor Coronavirus Apocalypses and several SF rewrites. Why did you decide to remaster Sodor Detonatn. What I mean is what was problem with it. My only roblem was Oliver being the main.


Hello everyone! Sorry for the radio silence as of late! My job has really been kicking me in the ass as of late, and I haven't had the time to do much work on really anything!
          The reason I'm here isn't just to poke fun at my busy schedule, but it's more to announce that Detonation is currently being rewritten. I've seen some criticisms going around, which all are well rounded, and I personally feel this story isn't as good as I can make it. So, I'm remaking it from the ground up. At this point, I'm not sure some of the plot points, or what will stay the same, aside from the antagonist character and of course, the story will still be about Oliver. If you have theories and suggestions, do let me know!
          ~ The Fainting Tank Engine


@GreatWestern2008 Shockingly, I have actually had help in places. In the beginning, I had Truck of Tar help me out with a few things. Nothing too major, although I didn't ask him to read over it. 
            To be honest, I'd rather not have a full group of people involved. Partly because I don't have many friends yet. But also because I don't want needless drama inserted in, and I have rather specific visions in mind, which I'm worried a team of people wouldn't get. I might get Tar to just read over it, and give me some ideas, and if he can't I'll find someone else.


@GreatWestern2008 Maybe it isn't your first time, but I still recommend it. It helped me and "other AU creators" I cannot list off the top of my head.


@FaintingTankEngine I recommend having some people help out with the story, or just ask questions and suggestions on what to do with the rewrite. You can't just waddle in the jungle since it may be your first time, it takes tons of experience and practice.


Trel: Hello, I’m Prince Trel, a Lumirian, and a copyrighted character made by an artist


@FaintingTankEngine just mute them, they won’t be a bother than it comes to mute


@Irishboxer4 There are so many names listed? I can't keep up!


Trel: I’m talking about a Thomas crossover au with me, my big sister Kim, my friends, and those other characters from their own worlds in it 