
okay guys, sorry for not being on in like forever. I am here to tell you that i will be taking down "Without You", because i have completely lost motivation for it. I'll be taking it down in the next day or two. I'm sorry guys. I feel bad for leaving the unfinished book on here, so i think it would be best to take it down. Besides, The Blue Star can still have the same ending and it work into Once Upon A Time story. Sorry again guys, thank you so much for all the support you've given me. It means so much!!!


@Fairest_Flower It's alright I love reading your The Blue Star (Peter Pan Fanfic) OUAT


I have to say that The Blue Star was the best fanfic I’ve ever read on Wattpad. It was so great!! If you like advice, I would say go back and edit the grammar and spelling. I haven’t started the second book - I’m about to - but The Blue Star was amazing! Keep writing and stay safe + healthy in these Coronalife times! ~FH


yes!!! it’s ongoing and they haven’t updated in, like, 4 years in so sad!!! literally heartbroken 


okay guys, sorry for not being on in like forever. I am here to tell you that i will be taking down "Without You", because i have completely lost motivation for it. I'll be taking it down in the next day or two. I'm sorry guys. I feel bad for leaving the unfinished book on here, so i think it would be best to take it down. Besides, The Blue Star can still have the same ending and it work into Once Upon A Time story. Sorry again guys, thank you so much for all the support you've given me. It means so much!!!


@Fairest_Flower It's alright I love reading your The Blue Star (Peter Pan Fanfic) OUAT


Guys... I just had an amazing experience. Just another reminder that God truly does protect!! I'm like bursting with joy!! God is amazingly awesome!!!


@Fairest_Flower  Oh wow that's awesome. Some days satan gets into my head and tries to ruin everything, but then I think of what God did for us and all that he sacrificed and then I'm all like "nu uh devil, not this time".


 @Black_Rock_Pack and it's so awesome cuz when that happened, I realized that God just kicked the devil's butt!! Watching me being happy must make satan furious! And making the devil furious makes me happy XD GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!


@Black_Rock_Pack okay so yesterday I was just thinking off all that I've gone through last year and how God has brought me out of it and how happy I am. Well just last night satan was trying to get into my head. He was trying to bring me back down to rock bottom—reminding me of past insecurities and even trying to spark up new ones. Well I just felt so anxious. I didn't want satan to have the upper hand so I went to God. I read the Bible and prayed. AND GOD PROTECTED ME!! ^_^ as soon as I prayed satan was silent. God overcomes!!! ^_^ 


Dude I start next week! Your considered lucky in my book.


Much needed, thanks!


Yeah......I know right. I don't know what was going on in the head of the principle when he decided to start that early. Pray for me!!


Sometimes our insecurities come out of no where and get us down. Don't let it. You are perfect the way you are. God loves you and KNOWS you are PERFECT. God wants you to believe the same. He doesn't want you to think of yourself as ugly or unimportant or worthless, because you're NOT. Those thoughts that are saying all those negative things about you is the devil. Satan is trying to drag you down to rock bottom. He is trying to drain your hope. DON'T LET HIM. Don't give him that satisfaction. You are WORTH IT. You are BEAUTIFUL. You are ENOUGH. You are PERFECT just the way you are. God loves you.