
I'm still having a hard time processing that he's really gone, moonbin always looked just so happy always smiling and laughing and I can't believe he's gone so suddenly. I didn't expect to have to go through this all over again so soon, no one did and of course no one hoped it would happen. this just comes to prove once again that we never truly know what someone is going through cuz sometimes the brightest smiles hide the saddest stories. I don't want to even imagine what Suah must be going through, if my sister ever left, especially so unexpectedly, that would have entirely shattered me. Moonbin was her rock, her biggest support and most importantly he was her one and only big brother. plz look out for your loved ones and make sure they're doing ok, same goes for urselves, if there's something wrong no matter how small it may feel, talk to someone, give yourself some time and love because everyone deserves to be happy and healthy. now he really has become a bright star far away alongside those who we've lost. rest well dear bin, this is a goodbye for now. hope his family and loved ones are okay, it's gonna take time and the pain never really goes away but I truly do wish them well 


I'm still having a hard time processing that he's really gone, moonbin always looked just so happy always smiling and laughing and I can't believe he's gone so suddenly. I didn't expect to have to go through this all over again so soon, no one did and of course no one hoped it would happen. this just comes to prove once again that we never truly know what someone is going through cuz sometimes the brightest smiles hide the saddest stories. I don't want to even imagine what Suah must be going through, if my sister ever left, especially so unexpectedly, that would have entirely shattered me. Moonbin was her rock, her biggest support and most importantly he was her one and only big brother. plz look out for your loved ones and make sure they're doing ok, same goes for urselves, if there's something wrong no matter how small it may feel, talk to someone, give yourself some time and love because everyone deserves to be happy and healthy. now he really has become a bright star far away alongside those who we've lost. rest well dear bin, this is a goodbye for now. hope his family and loved ones are okay, it's gonna take time and the pain never really goes away but I truly do wish them well 


another birthday, another year carrying the weight of knowing how inactive I am... that and my crippling depression but the stories count so in honor of the tragedy that is my mere existence and coming to this horrendous world (seriously I hate this free trial, how do I cancel my subscription to life? I hate it, rate it 0 stars), I gift u with an update. enjoy it, cuz god knows when I'll do it again


Is the HOTD story abandoned?


@InsaneMakaioshin I'm afraid that for the moment kinda, but I don't plan to drop it, I do want to finish it, it's just been some hectic couple of years and rn I really don't have time to rewatch the anime and pick it up from where I left atm, but I'm gonna once I'm less busy
