
"Secret Scavenger" is the new book I am currently working on. If you prefer to read teen fiction and the discovery of a world full of magical entities then this is the book for you. 
          	It may seem like your typical romance novel at first but, as you read along you will uncover a modernized tragedy that occurred because of the medieval times. Will the clock turn back time? Fast forward to the future? Cause a mass destruction that will be the end of us? or will the world be saved and resume it's normal time zone? 
          	Click "Secret Scavenger" to find out...


"Secret Scavenger" is the new book I am currently working on. If you prefer to read teen fiction and the discovery of a world full of magical entities then this is the book for you. 
          It may seem like your typical romance novel at first but, as you read along you will uncover a modernized tragedy that occurred because of the medieval times. Will the clock turn back time? Fast forward to the future? Cause a mass destruction that will be the end of us? or will the world be saved and resume it's normal time zone? 
          Click "Secret Scavenger" to find out...


Hi! I recently wrote a new story called "This Town" based on Niall's new solo, it should be interesting but that's for you to decide- I should be updating during the weekends, for now I've got only the prologue up but I've started writing the very first chapter and it should be published soon, thank you and please check it out. 
          Here is a little sneak peek " all around the world, each and everyday throughout life, someone is lying in a corner crying- that someone was me."