
I promise I'm still alive, writing is just very slow these days. But, I have an Umbrella Academy fic going now, and a few more planned :)


Hope everyone is staying safe this holiday season! Don't do what I did and get covid from your partner /lh (wasn't their fault, he didn't know he was exposed and infected before he came up to see me, but still). 
          Happy holidays, hope everyone is in good health, and those who have/will see Spider-Man No Way Home, hope you enjoy(ed) it!


Hey! I absolutely love love love Kyber Heart, and I was wondering if I could make you some graphics?


Hi! I’m so sorry I didn’t respond sooner, I didn’t see this notification here! I’m glad you love Kyber Heart, and if you still wanna make graphics, I’m not gonna say no. Again, I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner!


Sooo, I made a Discord server...
          It's a place for writers and readers to come together and hang out. So come vibe if you want :)


So if you're between the ages of 13-19, feel free to join :)