
I wrote a story called Mineta's downfall if you decide to read it let me know if its ok have a great day.


Idea for a rarely used if at all ship monoma and hagakure backstory is that he was walking to 1b classroom and bumped into hagakure and temporarily gained her invisibility granting him the ability to see her and its love at first sight for him once he sees her radient beauty,
          Little know fact of this monoma is because of bullying in school before ua he is an artist and loves to paint as a way to escape the world and paints a beautiful portrait of hagakure and when he confesses to her gives her the painting. His friends notice because besides izuku and shinso he doesn't say anything bad about her.


Last idea for now, Fairy tale Natsu left behind so no tenrou for him (original  i know lol) and erza stays falls for natsu, Natsu becomes guild master and through 
          out the seven years, merges his soul with his dragonslayers magic, giving his magic a sentience ( like nail for picollo in dbz abridged) making him OP, the merge caused him to finally fully absorb the ethernano from tower of heaven making him a dragonslayer of every element. Also
          Erza convinced natsu to train the guild to merge with their magic, and through their hard work turn fairy tale into Earthland's most popular guild with guild halls in every country, and adding a new tournament to the grand magic games for mages in other guilds/freelance/secondary fairy tale members who want to a chance to prove themselves so they can join the original Fairy tale guild.


A marvel and dc story with black widow being the biological mother of poison ivy (harley quinn version) and also black widow adopted spiderman( older brother)(aunt may died in a car accident, during time skip, and she wasn't dusted). You can have tony stark be the biological father and as for age you can set them both years after endgame  and instead of tony and natasha dying the stones slowed the aging process for anyone in the battle and anyone close to them in constant contact ( because of the stones radiation?) like Mj for peter, as for poison ivy being the kid of tony and natasha blame loki or thor spiking the punch with asgardian alcohol


A second idea for a mha fanfiction is a time travel from the post apocalyptic world 10 or so years after cannon where all for one was too powerful  and izuku was the only hope but died, so monoma got ahold of Izuku's dna and copied his quirk then passed on the quirk to 1a and 1b stockpiling all there quirks and monoma's quirk fused them taking out certain things like for example tokoyamis bird head etc, anyway they send someone back with the quirk and give it to izuku when he is receiving ofa and explain everything to them ( all might told them in the future before he died)


I always think of random ideas for stories but never actually write lol anyone's free to use them if i post one 
          Here's one Dr. Stone and My hero academia 
          Where Izuku's quirk one for all is the source 
          Of the petrification, during the fight against overhaul to save eri, eri's quirk supercharged ofa and released the petrifyting wave when aizawa erased the connection of both quirks. Also eri would be petrified being held by izuku. Mha ships izuku/ Momo (izuku protects her because in stone world her quirk is god tier level)
          Aizawa/nemuri and kirishima and mina