
Hey guys! So I haven't written anything for a long time but I am fixing my story and when I finish some parts will be completely rewritten, other parts will be deleted and the rest will be left untouched. I will also be adding another chapter. Please read my story when I post it! I would write so much more if more people started reading it!


Hey guys! So I haven't written anything for a long time but I am fixing my story and when I finish some parts will be completely rewritten, other parts will be deleted and the rest will be left untouched. I will also be adding another chapter. Please read my story when I post it! I would write so much more if more people started reading it!


@Fangirl4and6 no! No! No! No! No!! Dude you can't do this!!! Seriously going to dig this all up again.… does Kyle even know?? 


I use this all the time. 


@Fangirling_Unillama I didn't know you still use this  


So a long time ago two of my friends and I started writing a story on @mysteryauthors but we didn't update after the second chapter. We wrote two more chapters a long time ago but never posted them. I, alone, will be continuing the story but on my account. I will edit the chapters a bit and add a prologue and all. Hope you guys will like it.


Hey guys. So I've been thinking and I was wondering if you guys think I should delete my Divergent fanfic? I'm just not inspired to write more chapters for it and I have no idea where it's going and all. I just want to focus on my Percy Jackson fanfic. I am going to be updating it more regularly and I'll try to make it good. So tell me if I should delete the Divergent one or not. Thanx!


Can someone please help me? My account isn't letting me follow anyone anymore! I've been trying to follow all my followers because I love you all but every time I press the follow button it doesn't work! Please pm me if you know how to fix it! You can also pm me if you want someone to talk to, I'm here for each and everyone of you. Thanks guys! Love you all! <3 <3 <3 xoxo