
Well, I obviously did not continue writing my fan fiction! This was mainly because I procrastinated and school was hectic. Although, I have began writing a Phan (Dan & Phil) fiction instead! This isn't because I gave up on 1D okay, I'm just really passionate about this one! Plus the boys are going on a break for 18 months... Anyway! I hope to upload my work after Christmas and follow a few more Phan accounts. I also have a YouTube channel now (Fangirl Gen)! So you can stalk me on there if you want. I'm happy to be back and excited for my future Phan fic! 


I also changed my username to Fangirl_Gen! 


Well, I obviously did not continue writing my fan fiction! This was mainly because I procrastinated and school was hectic. Although, I have began writing a Phan (Dan & Phil) fiction instead! This isn't because I gave up on 1D okay, I'm just really passionate about this one! Plus the boys are going on a break for 18 months... Anyway! I hope to upload my work after Christmas and follow a few more Phan accounts. I also have a YouTube channel now (Fangirl Gen)! So you can stalk me on there if you want. I'm happy to be back and excited for my future Phan fic! 


I also changed my username to Fangirl_Gen! 


Hey guys! I'm back, wow, I know right... I've decided that I might start continuing writing my fan fiction. Although it's obviously not that great, it helps improve my writing skills. Also, keeps my creative side up. I'm not sure if you guys know, but I have a YouTube channel now that I upload videos on! It's really fun making videos and I'd love if some of you guys would watch them! I'll link them into the new chapter that I'll upload some time soon ;) yay


Okay I lied, sorry. Chapter 18 will be up tomorrow instead, as I'm very tired and it's almost midnight (I have school obviously tomorrow so yay -_- ). This chapter is one of my bigger ones anyway, so at least it might be worth it hopefully? Sorry ily all night :( x


I think I need to become more apart of the Wattpad community and connect with more readers and authors. Just basically talk to more random people on here or join some clubs. So please, if you're following me and we don't know each other, I'd love to chat with you. Yeah lol :)