
plz check out levymcjeel's story , book of iron!


This book was by far the most intense and heart wrenching story, I have ever read. But I have to say it was also one of the best I've read. I hope you make a sequel to this story. I would love to see how Jude would stand against the new and improved Lucy. Especially when Lucy has Natsu to back her up, not to mention all her friends and new family (aka Levy's family).


@JimMac0 thanks, I'm really happy you liked it 


Your book is AMAZING! I finished it in about three hours and it took me on the biggest emotional rollercoaster! I cried,I laughed,I fangirled, I threatened a certain character with the wrath of a smurf army,and im positive my pillow is planning to rebel against me because of how many times i've screamed into it. PLEASE WRITE MORE! You really do have a gift.