Why do i have to do this every time i join someplace really its always "tell something about yourself" bullshit every time. Ugh fine, my names Tyler and i hate gender. Don't assume my gender before you know it and if you refuse to call me by my specified name or pronoun consider yourself dead to me i don't take this lightly brats. As for other stuff.. i don't have hobbies and if i did who would tell a bunch of brats like you i will say though as for my pronoun bullshit that i have to go over with every time for someone. Just. use. They/their. pronouns. okay brats? Now that that's done all i can say about myself is that if you get in my way ill most likely crush you to bit's. Got it? now i'm done with this bs over about me shit so see ya brats
  • its fcking kansas for christs sake
  • JoinedSeptember 25, 2016