
Yay! I like votes. And I stopped counting days. Somebody tell me which part to make next. It's that simple.


Two days gone already. I need to know what you readers want made, because I am making many parts, but I don't know which ones you guys want. I might be making all the ones nobody wants, and I have got no clue. So pm or comment your chosen path, and it will definitely be made later that day or the day after.


I would have the part where you can fight despite your injuries, end of chapter 2, and fight/stand up to the bully, end of chapter 3, both connect to chapter 7 instead of chapter 2 going to 7 and chapter 3 to chapter 13. If this makes any sense.


But no more spoilers from me.


It does make sense, but the outcome of each battle is affected by what happened before, so your injuries make winning more difficult in part 7, and fighting is a bit easier in chapter 13.


Just about 24 hours have passed since my CYOA book came out, and I'm still working full speed. I know nobody is really reading it yet, but I should be getting some views soon. I'm probably going to release part 9 later tonight, maybe ten. Tomorrow I'll add a bunch of new stuff too to keep the story going as fast as possible for anybody reading.