
          	I know it's literally been 3 years.
          	I'm in college currently and working on getting some work officially published and printed for the masses. 
          	My question is:
          	If you know someone and already know they write quality work, would you pay $7.99 for a poetry book they wrote?
          	Some reference: 
          	it houses 50+ poems of varying topics
          	it would be printed and shipped by Amazon, so most of it would be the printing cost


          I know it's literally been 3 years.
          I'm in college currently and working on getting some work officially published and printed for the masses. 
          My question is:
          If you know someone and already know they write quality work, would you pay $7.99 for a poetry book they wrote?
          Some reference: 
          it houses 50+ poems of varying topics
          it would be printed and shipped by Amazon, so most of it would be the printing cost


Hello! It's been quite awhile since I've been around here, I must admit! 
          I wanted to formally announce my return to you lovely people with a story I had been working on for quite some time, now complete and available, titled "Penumbra."
          I hope you enjoy it!
          I also hope you enjoy a look at the story I've published titled "An Open Letter To..." 
          It's quite a bit more personal and has a lot of length to it, but every word rings true to a time in our lives. 
          I hope to keep writing for you and sharing more often! I'll write soon ;)