
Hello, everyone! It’s Felicity. I know it’s been quite a while but I’m back with some news. 2020 was a very introspective year for me. I realized a lot of personality flaws I had that I was not proud of and how they spilled onto my profile and in my writing and looking back on it now I’m not proud of it. I take full responsibility for my egotistical and even narcissistic ways. I wasn’t writing for the reasons I should have been and for that I am truly ashamed. However, I have worked very hard to better myself as a person and as a writer. For this reason, it is with a heavy heart that I will not be continuing any imagines or fan fictions that I had previously written. They will remain on my profile, but I’m not really proud of my writing in those books. It isn’t as detailed nor does it have the themes that are most important for me to put in them. So I will now be focusing on one hundred percent original work. I can’t tell you when it will be coming to my profile, but it will. So I really hope some of you stay tuned and I’ll be glad to see you then. - Much love, Felicity.


Hello, everyone! It’s Felicity. I know it’s been quite a while but I’m back with some news. 2020 was a very introspective year for me. I realized a lot of personality flaws I had that I was not proud of and how they spilled onto my profile and in my writing and looking back on it now I’m not proud of it. I take full responsibility for my egotistical and even narcissistic ways. I wasn’t writing for the reasons I should have been and for that I am truly ashamed. However, I have worked very hard to better myself as a person and as a writer. For this reason, it is with a heavy heart that I will not be continuing any imagines or fan fictions that I had previously written. They will remain on my profile, but I’m not really proud of my writing in those books. It isn’t as detailed nor does it have the themes that are most important for me to put in them. So I will now be focusing on one hundred percent original work. I can’t tell you when it will be coming to my profile, but it will. So I really hope some of you stay tuned and I’ll be glad to see you then. - Much love, Felicity.


Are you going to continue the iron women series??? 


I might, however, since I started my journey with fan fiction I’ve definitely grown quite a bit as a writer and I am really trying to focus on some original work that I really hope people will enjoy. I also honestly didn’t think many people were interested in the series but I can definitely try and revamp it. 


He,  you guys! I know it’s been quite a while. I’ve been going through a rough patch lately, but I want you all to know that I’m officially back! Now comes the sad news. As most of you have probably heard by now, the beloved actor who portrayed one of my personal favorite Marvel characters, Black Panther has passed away. Chadwick Boseman was an amazing, talented, and brave soul and I pray that he is resting in peace. I want to do everything I can to keep his legacy alive so for starters, I will be updating my profile aesthetic in honor of him, though my @ names will remain the same. I am also happy to confirm that I will be picking up where I left off in the MLU with all new chapter so Frozen War and a new due date for War Machine! Please stay tuned. I am here for all of you during this saddening time. If any of you need ANYTHING at all please feel free to contact me. #RestInPowerChadwick


Hi! I’m great thank you for asking! It’s just been hectic. I’ve got a baby to take care of so writing hasn’t really been my first priority. But I can assure you that I definitely have plans for finishing up Frozen War and continuing the series. ☺️ That aside how are you?


Hey guys, I'm back with a very important post. I have just released my newest original novel entitled Ruby Red. This thrilling read takes the suspense of a modern homicide and smashes it together with a very historical event. Read the first three chapters of this shocking yet unsettling novel today by clicking the link below. I hope you guys enjoy.


Hey guys! Check out my new graphic shop, it has all sorts of graphics you can choose from and I’m just eager for some requests. I can’t wait to start making graphics for you wonderful humans!


Uh.... *bolts for the door*


Wait are you not human?


Hey guys, what’s up? As you know I’ve been gone for a while, but I haven’t stopped working and things are coming together and you’ll get new content soon, but that is not why I’m posting this morning. I’m not posting about new books, or my life, or anything like that, because this morning it’s not about me. It’s about you. Recently I’ve been getting messages from some people who have read my books. The messages I’ve been getting they just... hit me. They really hit me. These people are telling me that the work that I have put so much time and effort and laughs and tears into, changed their life. Knowing that the work that I’ve created simply for the joy of writing and making people happy has changed someone’s life, it’s unthinkable. I just want to let you know how much all of you mean to me. How much you’ve helped me, and I know all of you have a story, how you got here, maybe even how my books have helped you, and I wish I could sit down and hear every single person talk about it. I really do. I know I can’t, but what I also know is that my PMs are open and my message board is open. If any of you ever need to talk about your problems or want to tell me your story, or even just want to talk about random stuff like the latest episode Supernatural or The Flash, talk to me. Running my mouth or listening to you tell your incredible stories is the least I can do for all that you have done for me. So that you all so much, you have a wonderful day/night. Always keep fighting. I love you 3,000.- Felicity 


Hey guys! I’m back. I know I was gone for quite a while but I’m back and better than ever with new updates and all sorts of goodies. The release of Souls Of The Deprived is being pushed to December 24, 2019 due to technical difficulties. Anyways, that’s all for to day. Chow for now. Bye guys. - Felicity