
Announcement: My book Royal Republic will be updated this summer. I know that it's such a long wait, but for all my readers, please be patient ^_^ Even though I have only a few readers, I really appreciate all your supports. It's a great honor for me to have you all, same goes for my followers arigatou! For now I wrote a one-shot story just to ease your boredoms tehee!


Announcement: My book Royal Republic will be updated this summer. I know that it's such a long wait, but for all my readers, please be patient ^_^ Even though I have only a few readers, I really appreciate all your supports. It's a great honor for me to have you all, same goes for my followers arigatou! For now I wrote a one-shot story just to ease your boredoms tehee!


Thx again :) For now, I won't be able to write because of exams. But rest assured for I shall return XD I will write more tragic stories in the future.. I recommend my book "Royal Republic" it's also tragic with a mixture of romance, fantasy, action, mystery etc. If you love anime, I'm sure you'll love it ^_^ well then, thx again for reading, I appreciate it. 


I'm very busy right now, so I won't be very active here in wattpad. I decided to take a long rest from writing so I hope you guys would understand XD By the way, I've just published a new chapter from my book "Royal Republic" look forward for the future chapters. Thx for those who have read my works, I really appreciate it ^_^.  Well then...sayonara amigos.


          Thank you for those who have been reading my stories. Especially to those who followed, voted, and supported me. I'm currently writing my new story the "Royal Republic". My other story "Bright Smile" will be ending soon. I hope you guys would enjoy it. ^_^