
Happy Pride Month!!


I have discontinued my PJO/HP story. It’s just so bad and I don’t want to write for it anymore. I may come back to my original works but those are on pause rn too. 
          I do write MCU stuff on Ao3! I only have one story published right now but if you like domestic avengers where everyone (mostly) gets along without murder, give it a go. There are Agents of SHIELD season one and two spoilers. You have been warned! My username is Ferocia. 


The Capitol is being stormed right now. This is absolutely shameful. I am so, so angry right now, I may just steal a gun and drive to Washington despite being under 16. 


@Ferocia2 I always get the partys confused but Im whatever party Trumps in not because hes there though. Violence does take it too far, yeah. The police should have done something to help. But theres nothing I can really do about it unfortunately. 


@PJFparty while I personally am a Democrat (I’m LGBTQIA+ and not comfortable with where the Republicans are going rn), I agree that they’re both childish. Inciting violence takes it way too far, though. I felt like I was living in another country. And now it comes out that Capitol police weren’t moving them out but rather taking selfie’s with them?! While peaceful BLM protestors are attacked?! 


@Ferocia2 I know what you mean! It was the first time Ive watched the news. Though I prefer Trump over Biden, theyre both luke toddlers and what Trump was doing is simply childish! Just accept the truth, Trump! You lost! Biden won! Ok?!


I can't hate on my bishop....


@Hurricane_of_Shadows  makes sense. I’m Catholic so it’s a little different.


@Hurricane_of_Shadows  why not? Everyone I know at my church does it.


So, I just finished Tower of Nero. I won’t spoil, but I loved it. It was amazing. It’s the end of an era, and I’m sad, but this book was great. A much better ending than BoO, as much as I love that book. I really want to just rant about this book, but I can’t spoil! If anyone wants to just rant about the book PM me!


@Peteyanddaisy11 I haven’t gotten one from that device though other services have approached me though my book is crap. This book: https://www.wattpad.com/story/207570660-wattpad-strategies-no-one-told-you-about-✎ has some important chapters about scams!!


@Ferocia2 Did you just get a weird email that says that your book is good so they want you to write professionally on  w e b n o i r ? Because  I am FREAKING OUT!


Hey guys! I am going on a bit of a break for a while. I realized that all I really do at home Wattpad and as school starts up Monday I really need to get my head in the game. I’ll still be on here, but not as often. My parents are also suspicious of what I do on my phone for hours everyday, and I’m not really allowed to communicate with others on the internet. I’ll be back almost 100% by September 30!


I also finally got a glitch fixed so the conversations tab works and so do my PMs!