Hi. We're @FineNotFine this profile is run by @shipviktuuri and @Sleep_lover_972
Hi. Im @Sleep_lover_972 I have depression and anger issues and suicidal thoughts. Part because i don't get along well with the gender i am and because of the everlasting want to be perfect. And also my Papa, and wanting to be strong for him. Im single for now... that will rpob change soon tho...

hai I'm @shipviktuuri and i also have depression and anger issues and i have suicidal thoughts every day i actually attempt suicide on a weekly basis cause my life sucks. my only friend on wattpad is @Sleep_lover_972 and irl. i have plenty of struggles about once a month i have a mental and emotional breakdown. I'm also a big brony and otaku. people call me really creepy and demonic at times. but that's probably cause I'm super weird and i give these weird glares at random people. you can tell if I'm depressed cause ill talk in this monotone robotic voice. BTW I'm bisexual and pan-romantic.
  • Same town
  • JoinedMarch 5, 2017