
YO! This is Alpha! Just wanted to notify you guys that I've finally completely read Unmaking, (really liked it, thx clover!) and have spell checked it too! (So funny) I've also posted the first chapter of Electrum Fire, book two of the FNN! Who said Oracion Seis? I did! A little heads up about that, some abilities, especially Erza's, will be different and some have been altered in Unmaking (like around chapter 18 or sumthin) so you can check that out.
          	I'm really psyched for this story now and I'm really in a fairy tail buzz, definitely remembering why I loved it so much! Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I'm sure I'm going to while writing it! Ciao!


@FioreNationalNetwork So excited for it!!!!!! XD


YO! This is Alpha! Just wanted to notify you guys that I've finally completely read Unmaking, (really liked it, thx clover!) and have spell checked it too! (So funny) I've also posted the first chapter of Electrum Fire, book two of the FNN! Who said Oracion Seis? I did! A little heads up about that, some abilities, especially Erza's, will be different and some have been altered in Unmaking (like around chapter 18 or sumthin) so you can check that out.
          I'm really psyched for this story now and I'm really in a fairy tail buzz, definitely remembering why I loved it so much! Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I'm sure I'm going to while writing it! Ciao!


@FioreNationalNetwork So excited for it!!!!!! XD


Finally got over the writer's block!!! You sure be expecting Unmaking's next chapter by next week at the latest if all goes well!!!!!!
          Hope everyone is well!!!! 
          ~Clover xxxx


@FioreNationalNetwork me and clover have been discussing posting them on my ao3 and ff,net accounts. If you want us to just say and ill get right on it!
            Alpha  (*^▽^*)


@FioreNationalNetwork Ahhh I've put the Jerza week one shots on but apart from that no! I think we'd limd to finish them first 
            ~ Stephano xxxx


Have u tried putting ur story on other platforms like tumblr and eyc 