
Here's an adult version of a story I wrote in middle school. I had lots of fun writing this, and I hope you guys enjoy reading it


So I took down all my fan fictions: DBZ, Wolfs Rain, and Naruto. If anyone wants it back let me know and I’ll publish them. But I wasn’t really proud of them, and most of the time when I wrote them I was winging it with no end in sight. So I’m going to go back and see what I can do, but I probably won’t publish them for a while. But also I’m writing other books on the side that I’m so excited about, and I want people to enjoy something I am proud of. Sorry for the long message, but anyone who loved those fan fictions I thought they deserve an explanation. 


Hello fellow DBZ fanatic, I would like to tell you that I will be hosting my first annual DBZ Watty Awards soon and wanted to know if you would like to enter. If you do rules and regulations are in my bio. Thank you for your time and have a good day, and don't forget to spread the word to everyone.


So I found out a week ago that I haven't updated my Wolf's Rain book since last year to this very date. SO- mentioning that, I am going to work my arse off to publish chapter- whatever one Im on right now. For those of you who likes the book. Others of you who thinks this message is stupid- HI ;)