
Hey y'all. This is my one year anniversary on Wattpad. I published my very first book (TOH oneshots) on April 8, 2023. I had started with 0 followers and was genuinely convinced that that book wouldn't even get any reads, now look where we are. 74 followers and 4 books that get a lot of reads, ESPECIALLY the TOH books, so thank you all so much. I love you all, have a great day :]


@Fl0werboyyy You deffo evolved  a lot! Good job!


Hey y'all. This is my one year anniversary on Wattpad. I published my very first book (TOH oneshots) on April 8, 2023. I had started with 0 followers and was genuinely convinced that that book wouldn't even get any reads, now look where we are. 74 followers and 4 books that get a lot of reads, ESPECIALLY the TOH books, so thank you all so much. I love you all, have a great day :]


@Fl0werboyyy You deffo evolved  a lot! Good job!


Y'all this is probably the most serious thing I will ever post but it needs to be said. *Trigger warning for transphobia and mentions of beating and death*
          For those of you who don't know, a 16 year old nonbinary person named Nex Benedict was recently beat to death in a bathroom in Oklahoma they were forced to use. Just because they were nonbinary. No other reason. Nobody at that school even cared. 
          It's absolutely disgusting what happened to Nex and every other person who's ever been hurt/killed for something they can't control. Nobody chooses their identity, they're born with it, and the fact that some people can't seem to wrap their head around that is sickening.
          Nex didn't deserve to die, they deserved to be happy. Everyone deserves to be happy, no matter what gender, sexuality, race, etc. We love you, Nex. You should be alive and happy right now, but because some people can't handle people who are different from them, you had to suffer, but I sincerely hope you're in a better place now. Fly high, you will be missed <3


Story time! So, I got a new pair of Converse the other day. They're like a reddish pink and they're really pretty. I wore them yesterday and the only person that really noticed was my teacher. Yesterday my partner mentioned that he was gonna get new shoes that night. 
          He shows up this morning with the EXACT SAME SHOES. Same color, size, he even got them from the same store. It was a complete accident too. So now here we are, two dudes in a relationship with the exact same shoes, and it wasn't even on purpose. We absolutely slay


Hey y'all, I realize I've barely been posting anymore, my bad, I've just not had much motivation lately, but I did promise on New Years that I would post more, so I'll be doing that. That being said, how is everyone? Anything exciting happened lately? I'm free to chat so say whatever, even complete nonsense if you want (Just keep it PG-13 for the sake of my aroace eyeballs please)
          ALSO, How would y'all feel if I made a Discord server? Just a random place where we can talk about whatever
          ANyhow, let me know if thats something you'd be interested in and I'll see y'all later


And YES I will make a Discord server


@Disastertwins4life YASS make a discord server! Also hi I'm back I've been uninspired too


It is 8 AM for me so I'm about 8 hours into 2024 already, but happy New Year y'all! Last year certainly had its ups and downs, but it also had a lot of great stuff in it. Y'all helped make my 2023 a really cool year and I hope I was able to do the same for you. I will be posting in my books more, btw, I know I haven't done that a lot, but I will be posting more. Have an excellent New Year guys, gals, and nonbinary pals (Yes I stole that from Thomas Sanders, I still don't have a name for my followers-)


How are you?


@Huntlowsimp43 I'm good! How are you?