
Woohoo! Yippee! Yay! .... LOL! Okay, so, I just posted Chapter 10 for Nine Oceans. Happy reading!


Okay, it took a bit longer than expected to get the first chapter up for The Nine Oceans, but it's there. The story starts off with a bit of history before throwing you out into the deep parts of the wet, and you can check out The Meek Valley Incident if you want, it's a Nine Oceans prequel. I'm super excited and super nervous to be sharing this story - it's grown so much and the characters are all firmly embedded in my heart. Happy reading!


Well, my kid talked me into it, so now I have to say I'm going to do it so I don't chicken out. Again. *phew* I'll be starting a new story on here in the next few weeks. It's a bit Steampunk, a bit Romance, and a dash Swashbuckle. Hopefully likeable to more than just me lol. :)


Amanda, I wanted to share with you how much I'm enjoying the Centurion's Woman. It has been perfect escapism to rescue me from family drama. I love the story, the characters and the travel. Great writing. You should be so proud of yourself. Keep writing storyweaver.


Oh hi :) I've decided to post up the full trilogy for Centurion's Woman. To avoid spoilers (in case you hate them), I'm putting it all in one book on here. You'll see where Book 2 starts because the chapter numbers drop back to 1, 2, 3, etc. Happy reading!