
I'm scared to write bc I haven't wrote in a while and ppl are gonna bite me for a new chapter 


@Flower_sh0tgun it's okay take your time and don't rush


ehh r u ever gonna update That randal x reader book?


@Frisklookalike9 yes! I'm sorry I keep pushing it so often rn my stupid phone logged me out of wattpad so damn long but I'm gonna start working on it


woah... it sure has been a while huh? 4 or even more months since last story updates on my profile or anything really. 
          I'm so sorry for starving y'all of my content. I don't wanna make excuses like I usually do, but I did and do suffer a little mentally and physically with some health issues,  nothing quote on quote "deadly" just stuff I need check ups on and medical help. but I am finally back and have the time finally, since I am in high school now with more free time and free days to work on stories and respond to comments.
          Reading back some things I have written, I honestly have never been more proud of my own writing then ever before. that is actually the only thing I am proud of myself for and actually enjoy doing, besides drawing and singing.
          also really greatful for those who stuck around, I truly love you all. and I'm looking forward to see you in the next story updates.
          with lots of love
          - Marson <3


@Flower_sh0tgun  It’s alright! As long as you’re getting better and that you’re alright. Remember to put yourself first! We can always wait :)


          been a while huh? sorry about that.
          Exams and stuff are kicking my ass at the moment, so chapters on my stories have  been put to hold for that time period. hope you guys will understand and I'll return with story updates once I return, for so long just try to be patient. and I'll catch you in another story update, see you soon darlings and dw I will reply to your hilarious comments when I have the time. I won't be completely gone like some are. but for story writing, I'm taking a paus because time is tight for me.
          that's all for now
          bye bye <3


@Flower_sh0tgun Wishing you the best 


@Flower_sh0tgun take your time!!! We are still here supporting you in all the ways we can!


          I've got an interesting thing for yall to answer
          What motivated you to start writing what you are writing rn/have written? Or why did you start writing?
          Like I'm curious


@0MisterUnknown0 damn thats cool! I just started writing to have fun and make peoole feel free to simp lol since I write fanfictions


@Flower_sh0tgun I haven't written on here before but a make roleplay plots instead of books.What motivated me to work on a plot that i just recently finished is a game ive been replaying alot lately, and i started writing so i could share my ideas with communities widely instead of just in my house and at school.^^


tomorrow since I'm free I'm gonna start working on my new chapter of the "Stupid" book so stay tuned for an update also if anyone's a fan or Ranfren comic series then tomorrow I am also publishing my new fanfiction story abt that soo if you're interested then check that out as well
          - Marson crahin to bed check