
Hey everyone! For the past few months, I've been working to help create the fifth edition of the Bowen Street Press Review. 23 voices brought together to tell our Plague Stories. If you're free on November 11th, from 6pm - 7:30pm AEDT, sign up for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/book-launch-plague-stories-bowen-street-press-review-vol-5-tickets-127075362831 . Hope to see you there!


Hey everyone! For the past few months, I've been working to help create the fifth edition of the Bowen Street Press Review. 23 voices brought together to tell our Plague Stories. If you're free on November 11th, from 6pm - 7:30pm AEDT, sign up for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/book-launch-plague-stories-bowen-street-press-review-vol-5-tickets-127075362831 . Hope to see you there!


Hey, everyone! Please consider checking out Fantasy Short Stories #4, available here https://amzn.to/2vEsOre (Paperback) & here https://amzn.to/2SvUach (Ebook)! I wrote ArtificalDream, which features a jovial cricketer in a virtual #dream videogame world! It features a jovial cricketer in a dream virtual reality world! If you like Mortis Ghost's #OFFgame, it's also inspired by that. #books #fantasy #reading #paperback #shortstory


Hey everybody! Flow here~
          So, I'm on my mid-year break! Week 1 of several. I'm re-writing Travelling Tales, so I won't be updating new chapters for a while as I try to suss this out. But I promise it will be grand, the Prologue and Chapter 1 are much more in-depth and published novel-like! I've learnt a lot and I want to show you all how much I've improved!
          Check out my Twitter for photos of characters I drew up! It's most certainly worth your time~
          In the meantime, take care, stay safe, and have a good one!
          Also, to all people who followed and voted for Mistle-Housamo, thank you very much, I'm active on the game, DM for my ID, catch ya!


Hello there! It's Flow here.
          I just wanted to apologise for having not updated Travelling Tales in two months. I've actually been working on my creative writing studies at school! But next month, I'll be able to begin a 6 week break. Definitely lots of time for Travelling Tales then!
          So please stick around, and I'll be active again really soon!