
Sorry but it looks like those plans were ruined, can someone tell me why people get sick? :(


Help meeeeee!!! Guys somehow someway I've got nothing to do... If I try to work on the book it will be gobely gosh cause I'm not tired, I finished watching all the syanide and happyness videos and I don't want to wake or disturb any of my friends at 1:32 am it feels so we rid to not have anything to do :P well hope all of you are having fun and as soon as I feel tired I'll get right to my book


So yay I'm back to myself and I'll try my best but I might not be able to publish another part tomorrow because my dads being dumb and thought that I didn't need one of my chargers and with my luck he took the only one that works and I can't say anything because I'm so shy in real life yay for me but I'll try my best to get it back


Hello I'm just posting this to give some information
          I'm sorry about this but I'll work on a chapter after this I haven't been working on them a lot lately and I'm not going to say its because I need to study for my state tests because I'm on of those people that don't study and does reasonably well but I've not been working because I just didn't feel like myself but I'm back to myself and will work on a couple chapters tonight