
@Dinosaur0214 Thankyou! It means so much to me that people are actually enjoying reading it :)


I read bad boy leave me alone about 2 years ago and it left me hanging. I just finished reading it right now noticing a few changes and guess what... still no ending! Hahaha. I wanna know what happens and the ending so please update as soon as you can! :D


What I am like super sad why did u delete fallen angel I wanted to reread it again I love the book so much can u please right it again


@Anyssa0409 haha, I'm trying to think of a new name for it, because its not just going to be about the fallen angel haha


Oh me gee thank you I was about to have a heart attack when I didn't see it in my library 


@Anyssa0409 i'm working on making it into a proper story that i'm happy with. i need to make a new cover and stuff, but ive been rewriting it. also i've added different POV's, ill tell you when i re post it, which will be soon. like really really soon