
I'm Running out of ideas lol


He did for us... The ultimate sacrifice... He gave me his trust.... Look how we pay the price... This bloodshed could have been avoided, If i convinced Heaven to work together... I took the hotel and i destroy it, I know i could done Better! Better. instead of letting you down


okay so give me some ideas for more what if i'm already working on one
          {what if duck(ken jr.) didn't get bitten and Ben didn't get killed}
          this might take a long time for me to finish that so give some ideas for other what if so i can create them after i this the book. Okay?


so i have a youtube channel call shadowqueen so if you want go subscribe to me


@Nxessie_ it think it might take you to the account that is unavailable but head to youtube copy the link first and then you should fine my youtube account the has sir pentious angel profile on it