
Part three of "Friends" is now up!
          	(Be warned: it's sort of a filler chapter)


-Fourteenth story I am working on-
          Title: "Friends" | Kim Jinhong + Shim Hongseob
          Definite ships: 2hong (Jinhong + Hongseob), Cosu (Cory + Kisu)
          Possible side ships: n/a
          Description or short summary:
          ↝ FRIEND - 1: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. 2: a favored companion. ↜
          ↝ LOVER - 1: a person having a sexual or romantic relationship with someone, often outside marriage. 2: a boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other. ↜
              One might see the relationship between Kim Jinhong and Shim Hongseob as strictly platonic, or as extremely close. And yes, while the second part is correct, the first is not; their relationship is anything but platonic.
              Shim Hongseob, having grown up in a religious and homophobic family, knew that he had to take care to keep any and all relationships he had a secret (as his family would most likely disown him). However, since he cared for his family very much and didn't want to disappoint them, he never truly got into a relationship and kept to himself his whole life.
              Until he met Kim Jinhong, of course.
              Jinhong, having grown up in a loving and supportive family, didn't mind letting the other members of 24K know his sexuality. But, despite this, he never found someone willing to look past his so-called “not putting enough effort into the relationship” and find that he did truly care, focussing more on small, meaningful things.
              That is, until he met Shim Hongseob.


-Thirteenth story I am working on-
          Title: Shattered | Park Jimin + Kim Taehyung (Vmin)
          Definite ships: Park Jimin + Kim Taehyung (Vmin)
          Possible Side Ship(s): Park Chanyeol + Byun Baekhyun (Chanbaek/Baekyeol), Kim Namjoon + Kim Seokjin (Namjin), Jung Hoseok + Min Yoongi (Yoonseok/Sope)
          Description or story summary:
          A famous photographer and filmmaker going by the name Vante one day messages a famous dancer named Jimin. The two begin to talk - however, Jimin is confused; is he in love with Kim Taehyung, the man that frequents his studio and works with Vante, or is he in love with Vante, the secretive man that likes to remind Jimin of his beauty? On the other hand, Taehyung is struggling to keep half of his life a secret from the person he treasures most - Park Jimin himself.


this message may be offensive
I'm very sorry there haven't been many updates, on this account nor the Chaotic_Angelsass account. I've been kind of busy, because I was trying to focus on my studies (plus i recently got very much into kpop and now im completely and utterly fucked because wOW) and I'm moving to a different state in the U.S. in a few weeks so i have to pack, AND i lost all of my notes for all the stories. Im not trying to make excuses, but ive not been around to really focus on writing. Im truly sorry, but ill try my best to continue writing as much as i can.


-Twelfth story I am working on-
          Title: Ache | Park Jimin + Kim Taehyung (Vmin)
          Definite ships: Park Jimin + Kim Taehyung (Vmin)
          Possible side ship(s): Kim Namjoon + Kim Seokjin (Namjin), Min Yoongi + Jeon Jungkook (Yoonkook) / Min Yoongi + Jung Hoseok (Yoonseok) / maybe even Min Yoongi + Jeon Jungkook + Jung Hoseok ??
          Description or story summary:
          Up until that moment, Jimin didn’t understand his feelings and what they may mean. Then, of course, the other man just had to flash him that beautiful smile that resembled a rectangle, his shining eyes connecting with his, and he knew: he loved Kim Taehyung with his very being and would never stop loving him for as long as he lived, no matter what kind of pain the shorter man went through to do continue doing so.


I’m comfused


@MaliLover I don't really know. But, honestly, I don't mind it, as long as I am able to share her ideas with others and continue working on my literature skills. Besides, as far as I know, there aren't many people that actually know about it.


Well I figured after her passing all of the followers would go to you, but you have so few, why is that?


Hello, everyone! I have some important news, news that is rather bad.
          My laptop recently broke. It's going to be a little while (a few months, actually) before I can get it fixed.
          Because of this, writing will be slowed down. However, I will continue to write on my phone so that I can continue working on projects and stories for the time being.
          Speaking of projects, I have quite a few coming up that I'm working on (also, take note that this post relates to this account as well as the @Chaotic_Angelsass account). A few projects include: the Safety Series (includes the stories Home and Refuge), the Show Yourself Saga (includes the stories Reveal, Display, and Unveiled and is on other account), the Darkening Shadows Saga (includes the stories Devil Within and Dameion and is on other account), Sin (just the one story for now, but possibly more, and on other account), and Voldemort's Lost Grandson (both the original and alternate, on other account).
          So there's a little insight to what I'm working on (Accidenti, that's a lot!). I should be going, as I still have a four page essay to write by Friday and I've only got a page and a half done.