
Hello all!
          	Happy New Year! I hope 2024 is off to a wonderful start for you! 
          	One thing I wanted to announce was that The Other Akasuna will be unpublished again, as I want to take time to focus on one fanfiction at a time and I have other time constraints. I want to say it will be published again possibly around June after a rewrite as well!
          	For Love & War (Minato's Daughter Part 2), I will try to update weekly on Fridays, but it will more than likely be biweekly (every other Friday). I do apologize if I miss updates but I will try to be more regular with them! Also, if you got an announcement for a new chapter, please disregard that as that chapter was published out of order!
          	I hope you all are able to stay warm and safe and have a wonderful January!
          	- ForeverDreamer37


Hello all!
          Happy New Year! I hope 2024 is off to a wonderful start for you! 
          One thing I wanted to announce was that The Other Akasuna will be unpublished again, as I want to take time to focus on one fanfiction at a time and I have other time constraints. I want to say it will be published again possibly around June after a rewrite as well!
          For Love & War (Minato's Daughter Part 2), I will try to update weekly on Fridays, but it will more than likely be biweekly (every other Friday). I do apologize if I miss updates but I will try to be more regular with them! Also, if you got an announcement for a new chapter, please disregard that as that chapter was published out of order!
          I hope you all are able to stay warm and safe and have a wonderful January!
          - ForeverDreamer37


Hello all!
          This is just a short announcement letting you all know that the chapter for Love & War (Minato’s Daughter Part 2) will be pushed back to next week. Unfortunately, with the holidays coming up, this has been a busy month and I haven’t had much time to write but I will be ahead again hopefully by next week!
          I hope you all stay safe~!
          - ForeverDreamer37


Hello all!
          I hope you're having a wonderful week with the holidays coming up. I wanted to update the fanfiction update schedule as I'm struggling to keep up with writing two stories.The fanfictions will both update on Friday but will be every other week. So for example, one week, Love and War (Minato's Daughter Part 2) will update on Friday and the next week, The Other Akasuna will update on Friday. 
          - Love and War (Minato's Daughter Part 2): one chapter every other Friday (ex. week 1, week 3)
          - The Other Akasuna: one chapter every other Friday (ex. week 2, week 4)
          I apologize for having to change the update schedule but I've been struggling to balance work and life. I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening and thank you for your support! Stay safe during the holidays!


Hello everyone!
          I hope you're having a wonderful day/evening! I wanted to give an update regarding the fanfictions I am writing/have written.
          - Minato's Daughter has been re-written and completed. After starting it in late 2015/early 2016, I'm happy to say that it is finished. However, that doesn't mean Miyuki's story is done and that brings me to update two!
          - Love and War (Minato's Daughter Part 2) is out! The story will follow Miyuki after Pain's attack. Please note that while I try to keep my writing as accurate as possible to the anime, there will be some differences to fit the story better.
          Please look below for the update schedule.
          - The Other Akasuna is a Gaara love story where the main character is Sasori's younger sister. This fanfiction was out previously, but since I wasn't able to update, it was unpublished. It will be released again on November 6, 2023. Please note that this story does not follow the anime timeline accurately, however, some major events will be attempted to be written as accurately as possible while fitting the plot. 
          Please look below for the update schedule.
          - Love and War (Minato's Daughter Part 2): one chapter per week every Friday
          - The Other Akasuna: one chapter per week every Monday
          **both fanfics may be updated with more chapters during the week (depending on my availability), but, there will always be a chapter published once a week on the specified day above**
          Thank you always for your love and support! I hope you all stay healthy and have a wonderful day/evening!


Hey @ForeverDreamer37 how are you I love your book. Also I have a question correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t you have a gaara love story. And if you I was wondering about what happened to it.


@canderloro okay thanks for letting me know. I remember the other Akasuna one but not the other one. Though I’m looking forward to reading more 


Hey @canderloro ! Yes, I did have one called Pein’s Daughter in early 2015 but I decided to unpublish it as the story line didn’t make sense when I read it. 
            I had another one called The Other Akasuna which only had chapter 1 published for a few months. I unpublished it for now while I write more. It will be out again with more chapters in mid November! 


Hello all! 
          It's been nearly two years since I've said my final goodbyes! I'm sure this is quite unexpected as a lot can happen in that time. During the time I was gone, I've grown as a person. I've realized my passion and how much I love reading and writing. I've also realized that my passion for writing started here, with the Wattpad community.
          I've come to announce that I've come back to continue writing! I've decided that each one of my fanfictions, Pein's Daughter, Forgotten Memories, and Minato's Daughter will get a rewrite and/or heavy editing (so many errors and mistakes came to my attention upon re-reading). 
          Thank you for the love you have always shown me! I look forward to continue writing for you all and I hope you look forward to it as well! 


@ladymoo20 thank you for the warm welcome! 


@ForeverDreamer37 Good to have you back!<3


Hello everyone!
          What a crazy year and a half it has been! I'm sure as many of you know and experienced, the past year and a half have been quite rough. For me personally, I've had to deal with a lot and writing has been an activity that I haven't been able to do, mainly because of the lack of time.
          I know many of you are wanting an update on Minato's Daughter as I have promised chapters previously. Unfortunately, as now I am an "adult" (T^T), I found that I don't have time to write. So unto the big announcement...
          With a heavy heart, I must announce that Minato's Daughter will no longer continue. I was planning to write after seeing how much love and support the chapters had received. However, I realize that I don't have time to write and I don't want to make empty promises of uploading chapters when I can't fulfill it due to my time commitments. I hope you all understand.
          Thank you so much for all the love and support you have shown me and given Minato's Daughter over the years. I will never forget how much love a small idea, after watching one of my favorite animes ever, turned into such a big part of my life. I hope you all take care of yourselves and stay safe!
          Once again for the final time,
          ~ForeverDreamer37 signing off