
Guess who’s still alive lovelies 
          	Get keen for a LOT of changes 


Hey, guys! Long time no talk. Just a quick message to let you all know that I am working on hard on finishing chapter 8 of AKoLHS, but in the meantime, I have started a Tumblr blog/page. Link in the "About" and I would love it if you could all check it out. Not much up yet, but it's going to be a writing inspiration blog. Anyway, hope all is well and you are having an amazing night!
          ~ForeverYoung :)


Next chapter of Love Hate Situation should be done by next Wednesday! I'm gonna be writing my butt off this week! :) I was also wondering if you could chose, would you prefer a new chapter of Opposites attract (soon to be re-named "Between Anna and Mason" or the very first chapter of On The Run? Let me know! :) Hope everyone is having a good night!
          ~ForeverYoung :)


Ok, so yes, I'm still alive. Things have been real full on lately, school and exams and due dates and projects. etc. you know the drill. So I will start writing the rest of the chapter for LOVE HATE. And I'm going to try and get a new chapter up for Opposites Attract. Oh, and I will be posting a new story soon, so keep an eye out for that!! All of this should be happening anywhere in the next week and a half. :D 
          ~ForeverYoung. Xx