
Happy Holidays ❤


Hi, guys!
          One, thanks so much for giving Suicide Love Letters a chance. Over the months, the read is adding up, and I couldn't be more thankful. Two, I'm almost done with my first draft edit of SLL, I haven't updated it here or anywhere yet., but there have been changes like:
          • Additional scenes.
          • Deleted lines.
          • Chapter title changes
          Once done, I will be updating the edited chapters. 
          Hope you'll keep up with me!


Happy New Year! ❤


@FortressMeadow akala ko next new year ka na magrereply e. Hahahahahah


@HeyThereSundae takteng yan ngayon lang ako nagcheck ng board hah


It's amazing how even if I'm way toooo lazy to update, I still see readers adding my stories to their library and I couldn't be more thankful! And so with that, I am planning to end Suicide Love Letters and edit it! I know the story is kinda past paced, I'll be fixing things up soon! Thanks a bunch!
          — K.


Fast paced* darn. Lels


I posted a message last 6th of January, but I was not able to check the option to notify everyone. I'm so sorry for those who have been waiting for my update and feedbacks, I've been quite busy since new year but I will catch up soon.
          Much Love,


To those who read my story, Suicide Love Letters, and to those who are waiting for me to read their Chapter updates, Hi.
          Firstly, Belated Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. May we all have more ideas to write and share this year.
          Secondly, I was supposed to publish an update at SLL, but to my disappointment, the last update I have written yesterday (offline) were all gone. All that's left was the last line I had finished last January 4. Yep, it sucks because I was already halfway through the 6th chapter :(
          Lastly, I had been busy but I'll try to catch up, since I am only reading three stories here in Wattpad anyways.
          Much Love,