
Uh Bad news.
          	For a few weeks now, my stomach has been upset nearly everytime I eat, so that resulted me eating less. I've repeatedly lost weight in the past three months, bc of that. That and I haven't been hungry all to much. But today was a killer on hunger. Nana said that since my body isn't used to me not eating at least two meals a day, and it entered Starvation Mode to stop me from losing anymore weight than I've already had. In others words Starvation Mode basically makes my body hungry so that it can contain the nutrients that it so rapidly lost.


Uh Bad news.
          For a few weeks now, my stomach has been upset nearly everytime I eat, so that resulted me eating less. I've repeatedly lost weight in the past three months, bc of that. That and I haven't been hungry all to much. But today was a killer on hunger. Nana said that since my body isn't used to me not eating at least two meals a day, and it entered Starvation Mode to stop me from losing anymore weight than I've already had. In others words Starvation Mode basically makes my body hungry so that it can contain the nutrients that it so rapidly lost.


Can you guys pray for me? I have been having trouble with eating. Here and there my stomach gets upset and when I go to eat I  feel like I got to throw up. But have have semi good days but I've been eating less and less bc of my stomach. Please just pray. It will mean a lot to me. 


A update on Granny
          She is doing better now, has a small investigation, but it's being treated. She should be able to go home soon. Once again, Thank you for all of your prayer and support. Hopefully we'll know more in the future. Have a bless and wonderful day, and stay safe! Also stay strong for your love ones!


A update on my Granny.
          They have her on Oxygen, and it's back up to 97. She sounds better, and is eating more. Thank you for all your prayers, and support. Just please continue to pray. I will Hopefully give more updates in the future, until then, this is what I can give. Again, Thank you for your prayers and support, have a blessed day everyone!


Everyone I have an announcement to make!
          Please pay for my Granny, She just got tested for the virus and came out positive. She had it for a week and 4 days. She has underlined health and is up in age. When she tested for the virus the first 4 days, the "Doctors" said it was just a really bad cold and didn't test her. But please just pray for her. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you! And God bless you all!


@SparrowKitty091 no problem cake ♥️♣️


@WolfGirlProductions I hope so to. And thank you for your support 


@Dr_Min_Ro0OMa Thank you and I will


Something happened to my account today, When I published my second book of "Diamond Light", when I went to check it, Next thing I knew, IT APPEARED AS SOMETHING ELSE! What it appeared as was "Four Ace" and made by someone else. I'm trying to fix that right now. But either I got hacked into orrrr Wattpad had done one of those stupid glitches again. Hopefully I can get this resolved, if not. I'll delete it. Please don't be mad at me. It's not my fault, it's either a hacker or Wattpad that done it. NOT ME!