
Anyone want to rp Karlnap?
          	smut or no?
          	I want too be Karl


Fellow Dangaronpa fan!


@OwO_Kokichi_OwOuma Ya know what? I'm changing my alt acc to An Ibuki one-


            Yes Hello fellow Danganronpa fan


So I hate my grandmother right now. So I have anxiety tics and every time I get stressed and anxious and start ticcing around she says “you know that could be a sign of a brain tumor” or she will say “you know they can scan you to see if those are real”
          So she thinks I fake my tics even though they hurt a lot and my body becomes sore after I tic a lot and scarring me makes them worse. And she’s the reason only my mom knows I’m Bi with they/them pronouns and want to be called Lou cause I hate my name.