
New poem! I'm back with new content!


Imagine being in a world where you can literally make your brain have such a beautiful fantasy! THAT WOULD BE GREAT, WOULD IT?! But how do you do that…? Well, a story would fix that problem, a romance one, I suppose… 
          Wait, do you think that this is an advertisement? NO, DON'T BE Silly! It's a gift, a very good gift… 
          Well, you see, I've been writing that for a long time, and I'm here to tell you that Jeanne is in great danger. You don't know who she is? Well, a war happened. With no choice, she isolated herself, waiting for her husband… 
          Oh, you want to know more? I'm afraid that my time with you has ended… There's only one way for you to find out what happened to her. See you on the other side.