
Happy Birthday to me lol! And my sister


Haha thanks!


@Frazel_123 happy late birthday




I’ve been good! Lots going on in my life, how about you????


So is anyone who follows me a fan of the GrishaVerse? Or just anyone who sees this.
          I’m making this book  which is basically an about the character for every character in the GrishaVerse. Major characters will have a one page minimum and minor characters depending on how minor will have a half page minimum. I’m doing this in person and stuff. 
          I was wondering if anyone wanted me to publish it on here?
          By the way it’s not just an about it’s more of a this is what I think and major parts and what I thought. Although there’s no I or me. It’s in a third person POV. It will have major spoilers for all of the book from Shadow and Bone to Rule of Wolves. Also if more books come out there will most certainly be edits and stuff.
          Yeah so… opinion?


The luck! I love Shadow and Bone, but like Six of Crows is amazing and sort of better. I mean the plans are said but all is not what it seems!!!


@Frazel_123 Ok this will sound so weird but I literally just finished Shadow and Bone, opened Wattpad, and saw this. That would be so cool!


I don’t know what brought me to saying this but having a twin is amazing and sucks all at once.
          I am left constantly in her shadow. I do something and then she one ups me. It’s kind of annoying. She just got invited to the party of the year and apparently the person who invited her had no idea who I was or that I existed. 
          But she’s an amazing person, it’s almost impossible to hate her. She listens to me… kind of… I talk she sometimes walks away. She gave me food poisoning this one time, but she still stayed next to me giving me everything I needed. This one time I was in the hospital for hours because I had an allergic reaction and the entire time she played games with me.
          I love her, I really do. But I’m only known as her twin if I’m even known.
          Sorry for the dump on here this is the only anonymous place where people won’t walk up to me and tell me they knew I had mental issues. Real thing that did happen Lol


@jottieisbetter plot twist I got the brains


@Frazel_123 that seems so sad hope you're doing good love. But think of it this way: u r the cool plot twist. 


Oh no </3
            Well here you’re not just known as ‘her twin’ don’t worry :)
            If you need a friend, my pm’s are always open ^^
            And that’s horrible, who would do that??
            You don’t just say something like that 


Has anyone read or watched Heartstoppers??? Because it is freaking amazingggg! I need to talk to someone about it because no one at my school has watched or read it although I have convinced a few to start it!
          It’s like 11:00 pm for me right now so if I don’t respond I’m asleep, but I just finished the show so yeah!


So I completely went missing there for a bit. Anyway which character did you connect with the most? And as long as it’s not Ben Hope we can still be friends. Harry Greene is okay because like he learns to be better, but only if you say you connected with him in the later books


@Frazel_123 i read the books! i just started watching the series!!


@-rxsky- RIGHT?????? have you read the books or watched the show????


Alright it’s been awhile. Anyway I just wanted to come on here and say that Timbits are better than anything McDonalds sells.
          Anyone watch ‘Supersize Me’? Like the McDonalds documentary. It basically says don’t eat fast food. Best part is 110% when he says he has a “McStomachache” And that he can feel his stomach “McGurgle” because the next moment he pukes and I shouted out to my class “and there’s some McPuke!” 
          Got a lot of laughter and I was allowed to play ✨Comedy✨ by Bo Burnham later in my music. It was only the piano version though like no vocals but still it felt worthy of the class. And then I played the easiest song by Bo Burnham ever, A World on Fire 
          And the started book club in our English which honestly is half good half bad but only because the writing portion is a lot. Plus I got the lowest mark in my class. Which is the only class I got a low mark on. Every other class I have the highest mark which is funny to me.
          Anyway this is turning into a rant so I’ll let you be I guess. 
          Side note: Tick Tick… Boom is amazing, and Therapy and 30/90 are the best songs change my mind!


So someone’s trying to ruin my life possibly.
          My sister got Covid from her basketball team which means we have to all isolate. Lucky for my older sister and brother they were both at our grandparents so they don’t have to isolate they just can’t come back home. Unluckily I’m stuck here.
          We only found out she had Covid a day after and we literally share a room. That was two days ago btw. Anyway she woke up feeling horrible so yeah. We all tested and she was the only one positive. It just makes me so Negative(get it? No?). So we all just stay inside because that’s what your supposed to do. 
          Next day my belle mère wakes up feeling horrible, she tests positive. My dad and I both test negative. And like by now I’m accepting my doom. No it’s not gonna be Covid it’s gonna be me sticking stuff up my nose.
          Anyway this morning my dad woke up feeling a little less than okay. We both took a test and still both were negative. He’s gonna get Covid tomorrow I bet. 
          I swear if I have to stick one more of those things up my nose I might just stab someone(probably myself, in my nose). It’s spring break for me so I’m not missing anything but I swear I’m gonna miss all of next week during Volleyball tryouts.
          Just an update I guess. Hooray for Covid am I right? No. I’m wrong. If anyone says I’m right I swear.
          Anyway have a great day! Cheers!


@-rxsky- Yeah I’m feeling like crap right now, definitely gonna take a test tomorrow. It’s too late for me right now. I’d probably stick that thing up my nose and get it stuck.
            @jottieisbetter it’s fine I’ll ride it out and slightly die while doing it. But don’t worry I’ve died before and I always make it out alive!


@Frazel_123 okay so i got exposed to covid twice, once from my basketball team, and another from my mom. i can't imagine how it feels to be suronded by this but i can tell you that it really does get better. everythings is going to get back to normal. there's a high chance everyone will be okay. don't worry about that 0.1% thats keeping you worry. my moms all good now and im back in school and my basketball team ened it's season strong.
            the swab thingys are ANNOYING. 
            stay negative <3333  (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA)




@-rxsky- <3333333333333333333333333


I’m glad you’re extra good! Don’t feel bad I’m pretty sure I’ve accidentally missed some of your stuff for longer!!