
Hello everyone! I finally have a chance to sit down and look at my fanfic, I'm going to rewrite what I have of each story and hope it gets me a chance to finish these stories. thank you for reading, enjoying and I hope you come back as I update most of these stories, yes even Waves


Hello everyone! I finally have a chance to sit down and look at my fanfic, I'm going to rewrite what I have of each story and hope it gets me a chance to finish these stories. thank you for reading, enjoying and I hope you come back as I update most of these stories, yes even Waves


hi everyone! thank you for reading my fanfics, work has finally come back to 8 hours days, and weekends again were working up some idea for ending for a few of my stories, and Sadly I had a death in the family. So on a little longer break. I have not forgotten my stories and I hope to at least end Dragon blade and a few others soon


@Hufflepuffy9006 I would like to, things have been up in the air the last few years, I just lost my grandmother a few months ago and just now getting the swing of things again I like to come back to all my stories at least get to an end for them.


@Frostxdragons will you be updating red thread bonded?


Sorry everyone on a little bit of a pause due to work again, we're back to 10 hours days and 7 days a week.


thank you! <3


@Frostxdragons  Its ok! as long as your doing good thats what matters! 


Hi everyone! I'm finally getting back to normal at work, back to the normal 40 hours a week where I finally have energy when I get home and will be able to do some writing. Right now, I have been going through and editing my work with a program that has been giving a little bit better fix to my errors. I can't wait to get writing again.  I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe.


Hi everyone that read this, I'm running a little behind due to work making go about 60 hours a week so it a little harder to sit down and write right now, I"m trying my best to get a little bit each night for stories. hopefully, I'll have days off again.


Hi, it's me again. I just got a idea for you, if you want. Beacause your writing is super good, so if you want i can get you idea for a storie. But i know you have a lot of work and other things, so i dont want to get you overworked.


@NeutraTV  I have facebook that you can message also have the message on here


@ Nofrosting  well,.i dont have discord sooo......


@NeutraTV is my discord for things. I don't mind request right now to, I have a request channel on the discord too