Hello, my pen name is Alisson Camber, and I am aspiring to become a great, well known author such as John Green or Laurie Halse Anderson.

I will attempt to update weekly to every two weeks when working on a project and will do my best to inform you all if I go on a hiatus.

I absolutely love critique, so please feel free to do so on my works. If I use a word incorrectly or too much, alert me of this. Am I writing too much? Too little? Wrong format? Bad grammer? Bad sentence structure? Poor narration skills? Tell me, tips are very much appreciated! Positive comments will probably also mean quicker updates. Help me become a better writer! Also, if anything is said in my books that you really like, re-quoting it in the comments will make my day.

In the beginning of a book of mine, I will always have a warning page. If it says to be wary of certain triggers and such, heed them, please. I will not put a warning before a chapter for I feel it will give away the plot and story!

Music is a HUGE thing for me! All my books will have playlists to them, a song for EVERY chapter. Feel free to comment music so I can listen to it. It may wind up in one of my chapters!

Last, but definitely important, I will NOT tolerate ill behavior. No trolling on others opinions, no hating on peoples music tastes, no dissing what someone believes should be a human right, etc. I want my account to be a sort of safe place for people to discuss and make friends. If anyone sees someone dissing me as a writer and my beliefs expressed through my works, DO NOT DEFEND ME. If I even ever become important enough to someone they would do that, please don't. Simply carry on casually and be happy-go-lucky. That persons thoughts do not matter and therefore will not be acknowledged

Thank you.

~Alisson Camber
  • Unknown, Wonderland
  • JoinedSeptember 15, 2014
