
Chapter 33 of KiL is now up! I’ve been sick with a cold the past week and got so much writing done, it’s actually unreal. Now I’ve just got to edit and make sure it’s not complete garbage lmao. Happy New Year to you all <3


@FrozenEscence Get well soon! And Happy New Year!!


Chapter 33 of KiL is now up! I’ve been sick with a cold the past week and got so much writing done, it’s actually unreal. Now I’ve just got to edit and make sure it’s not complete garbage lmao. Happy New Year to you all <3


@FrozenEscence Get well soon! And Happy New Year!!


Wounding If any writer or fan knows of a story back in early 2000s i believe about A collage student Male that can sense and or see spirits and bumps into a Exorcist male / demon with color contact lens to keep his red eye hidden always changes it daily the boy ends up falling for him and the demon fights to keep him away from the supernatural world but false only to accept him.
          It was called like Cryptic or something it was even book publish and sold on amazon i regret not buying the books


Thank you! I have been desperate to find it I pay hundreds of dollars to get the books if possible.


Hmm, this sounds vaguely familiar but I can’t place it. I’ll keep an eye out! 


Hi! It’s Monday again but the closer we get to December, the busier I find myself. So, I’m afraid the schedule for KIL updates may get a bit messy. I will upload as soon as I can but I’m sorry, there won’t be an update today, I will try to get one out over the next few days, but I haven’t had a lot of time to write and don’t want to be putting out any bad chapters because they’ve been rushed. I hope you understand and I hope you have a great morning/day/evening/night, I’ll be with you again as soon as I can!


@FrozenEscence it's okay. Take your time. ❤


Hi! I’m super late on the update but I promise I am working on it! If I can’t manage to finish it tonight, it should go up tomorrow. I have work in like an hour so I’m trying to write what I can now, just wanted to give you guys a little update on what’s going on. Appreciate you all <3