
Lilly of the Valleys mean pain, loss, and death in flower language :D 


@Fry_of_the_French The blue rose means unattainable because it cannot be found naturally.


Also I'm extremely sorry for never updating, there's been stuff going on a lot. We had a colorguard comp the other week, I've had band stuff (like always</3), I've gotten into other things besides mha that are really cool, etc. 
          I do however have a few chapters written out on paper (due to me getting my phone taken every night so I've been writing on paper at night when I can't sleep) and I've been very slowly working on transferring it to Wattpad to post. So like it's there, it's just not here, y'know? 
          Anyways have a fabulous time of day everyone !


@Endless-Eclipse give me like 3 weeks so I can finish the last few books and get the rest of the lore and I'll get back to you


@Fry_of_the_French yesss I need all the angst please write this I beg of you


@Endless-Eclipse like a crack fic with him?? That'd be funny. But I'm getting a more "angry at the others and confused and scared" type vibe, maybe like a fic about his shenanigans in the heavenly court? Will contain angst. He's a little angsty boy at heart. But you get the vibe? And yes the vibe description is from the paragraph in the 5th book about him beating up them bitches because they were bullying him


          she's very pretty and nice and A WEIRDO but that's ok I like her anyways. I met her at our state marching competition and we started talking and I asked her out on Monday. I like her a lot but shhh don't tell her that it's a secret. 


I got quite a bit busy over the summer, I got my phone taken back in May I think and I went to my grandparents to help them out because my Nana had breast cancer. She's fully cancer free now though and is recovering from her treatment though and I'm so grateful that she's ok. I didn't get my phone until I came back for marching band, and I was really busy and focused on band for a lot of the summer band, I actually socialized AND MET SOMEONE WHO HAS THE APP (I'm talking to you, FRANK). And then I got SUPER burnt out from the marching season and was going to wait a few weeks before i started getting on Wattpad again but it turns out our Winter Guard season started the very next week. We just started Winter break and now have a week of complete freedom until the 27th, and I'm going to try to get back into writing. Winter Guard isn't nearly as draining as marching band, and concert band I can handle. I will try to get back into writing over the break, hopefully if all goes well I'll even have a few chapters on Sunday. 
          Semi related to some of the life updates, in guard I started spinning rifle, about 2 weeks after I started I ended up dislocating my little finger, it was utterly hilarious both at the time it happened, and ever since. Despite the fact it still hurts to bend all the way it's fine. And not even a week after that happened, I had an audition for our All Region band, and I ended up making 2nd chair in the symphonic band and have the opportunity to audition for the All Area band on January 6th, and I'm super excited about that
          This is REALLY long, congrats if you made it this far. Emi, I forgot to send you life updates so have some through this, although you already knew about my finger . I shall contact you later. And Frank, to you I say BOB THE BUILDER. Farewell everyone else, have a good evening 


@Nerd1Weeb2Geek3 of course you'd be excited lol


I think my nap got a little out of hand. Anyways good morning I have risen and am very desperately now attempting to be more active but boy do I have a lot of life updates lol.
          Will post life updates in an announcement after this. Happy holidays, thank you for everything, and have a wonderful evening!! 


Happy spooky month! 


@Fry_of_the_French Month of the spooks indeed