
 She Made Me Her Slave was updated yesterday with chapter 14! It was long overdue, but it's finally here. Expect chapter 15 to post in about a week, maybe less. The story is still unfolding, and new characters are coming to life for bigger adventures to come! I sincerely appreciate everyone who has stuck around for the long haul and remained enthralled with this story  


 She Made Me Her Slave was updated yesterday with chapter 14! It was long overdue, but it's finally here. Expect chapter 15 to post in about a week, maybe less. The story is still unfolding, and new characters are coming to life for bigger adventures to come! I sincerely appreciate everyone who has stuck around for the long haul and remained enthralled with this story  


 Hey there awesome people! Just wanna let everyone know that I plan to continue updating my stuff in the near future. Expect a very late, long over due Chapter Eleven of She Made Me Her Slave very soon.
          If possible, I'd like to also release chapter twelve soon after. No promises on an exact time just yet though. 
          Hope everyone is happy, healthy, and as eager as I am to see how this story plays out! 
          Kindest regards,


Just want to know if you are still here. And if you are can you update please.


@sweetbutpsyco69 an update has been posted. Happy reading!


That's good just take your time


@sweetbutpsyco69 yes im still around. Life has just been crazy and i took a long pause. However ill be updating soon. 


To those of you who have been patiently awaiting my newer chapter posts, I apologize for the delay. 
          I've been under the weather lately and haven't gotten many chances to work on my stories recently. 
          Please just bare with me a little longer, and I hope the wait will be worth your while. 
          I plan on updating She Made Me Her Slave very soon. That will be the first story to receive an update! I know that one has alot of followers. Thank you all for consistently reading and remaining to follow my story. 
          Feel free to private message me with any questions you may have at this time and I will do my best to get back to you all accordingly while I continue to work on my stories in my free time. 


Chapter 10 of She Made Me Her Slave will be posted by the end of this week. 
          Thank you all for baring with me! I hope everyone loves the upcoming chapter <3


@Kksmilesss Should be posted by Sunday. Hope you enjoy it! 


Chapters 4 & 8 of She Made Me Her Slave have been slightly modified/updated to help the rest of the story make more sense. I didn't want to confuse or upset anyone, but the minor adjustments were needed to help set a more defined time frame in my opinion. 
          Chapter 9 will be posted sometime today! 


Due to my lengthy delay in posting chapter 7, I decided to go on and post chapter 7 & chapter 8 today! 
          Hope everyone enjoys the new chapters! Please remember they are unedited at this time. 
          Chapter 9 is still in the making as of currently. I'll do my best to get it finished, and published as soon as possible. 
          Regardless, I'll keep you all posted! Thanks for remaining patient with me in a difficult time. 


So sorry for such a long delay on chapter 7 on She Made Me Her Slave everyone. 
          I'm currently going through a tough loss. My grandma passed nearly two weeks ago and I've had no time to write recently. 
          Please bare with me for a little longer and I'll try to get that chapter out within the next week or so.